
Alternate title for this article "People find the most boring way to play TotK".

Yeah, I had the same issue, after I did the 3rd shrine I had a hard time getting back to the temple of time. For the last shrine I struggled getting on the rotating wheels because ascend never occured to me and I keep trying to climb up the column and jump backward onto the wheel cussing the camera the whole time

I just want a hotfix that allows me to remap the keys on the PC version. I hate the default keymapping, not a WASD guy.

I bought a Moto360 after the recent price drop ($200 with the metal band) and really enjoy it. If I were an iPhone owner I’m sure I would want an Apple Watch, but there’s no way I would pay what they cost. The smart watch is just a convenient way to handle notifications and send short texts, with some fitness

Old phones are meant to be thrown in a drawer and never see the light of day again. If you have to sell your current phone to afford your new one you're doing it wrong. Keep in mind that statement is from a cheap/poor bastich.

Yeah, I've installed three different CM10.2 roms on my Razr Maxx HD and everyone of them hung at the boot splash after the first reboot. Couldn't even restore a backup to get past it. After having to restore to stock via RSDLite 3 times in a week I decided to wait a while for 10.2 to mature a bit.

Lol! As I was reading the article that phrase kept popping into my head. Seeing the Fonz in his shorts and skis when I reached the comments was too perfect. Epic comment.

One of the other reasons I use Touchdown is that the company I work for has a device encryption requirement through their exchange server if the OS supports it. It wasn't an issue on Android till ICS. I mainly don't like it because it encrypts the SD card which makes flashing custom roms require a secondary card. My

I think the issue isn't the lock screen but if you have a pin or unlock pattern set. Most company's exchange servers require this. I personally hate the whole swipe to unlock so I use Touchdown for my corporate mail. That way I can disable the lock screen completely and assign the required pin to the app itself.

They have already made the SDK available to developers. I'd be suprised if someone doesn't find a way to push local content similar to DLNA.

"Because of the post-production work required to stitch these scenes together, the movie won't show at the usual film festival circuit (Cannes, Venice, Toronto)."

How does that saying go, "the masses are asses"? All kidding aside, I would rather sees Goggle allow the app maker to control the notification behavior. A dev changing the way it works only effects the people using the app in question, Google changing a default behavior effects everyone. For every person that might

I have seen multiple icons from some apps and single icons (representing multiple notifications) from other apps. This is on the app developers, not Android.

You can long-press a location in Maps on Android and add a star. I have not used Maps on iOS but I'm not sure that there's much difference between a pin and a star.

Pew Pew!

Facebook's IPO tanked so they are scrambling for other revenue streams to get the stock price to go back up. I think they are shooting theirself in the foot if the force the audio on people. It seems like just a mater of time before they offer Facebook Pro and push the most used services to a subscription plan.

FYI Samsung's actual reported 2012 Q1-3 revenue, $104.5B. Can't seem to find revenue numbers for Q4, just a record profit of $4.5B. Not that I care about Samsung, just offering some perspective.

Bow before my massive battery instead, LOL. That's with 3hr screen on, downloading and listening to a 2hr podcast, listening to music for a hour or so and maybe 30-45 minute browsing the internet, all on 4G. I did give it a 1hr bump charge before I left work yesterday, but I was going out and wanted to be sure I would

If you are having that much trouble you should probably go back to iOS. After buying my DLNA capable TV I was sending video, audio & YouTube to it from my old ass Thunderbolt in no time (from both a free app and built-in software). Standards are a good thing. AirPlay is just Apple's way to require you to buy their

Yeah, I'm running a CM10 Jellybean rom on my aging Kindle Fire ( a "Ghetto 7") and it has breathed new life into that device. It's so much smoother and polished it's insane. Will be a nice stop-gap device till I can upgrade to a true Nexus 7.