
Alternate title for this article "People find the most boring way to play TotK".

Yeah, I had the same issue, after I did the 3rd shrine I had a hard time getting back to the temple of time. For the last shrine I struggled getting on the rotating wheels because ascend never occured to me and I keep trying to climb up the column and jump backward onto the wheel cussing the camera the whole time

I just want a hotfix that allows me to remap the keys on the PC version. I hate the default keymapping, not a WASD guy.

Facebook's IPO tanked so they are scrambling for other revenue streams to get the stock price to go back up. I think they are shooting theirself in the foot if the force the audio on people. It seems like just a mater of time before they offer Facebook Pro and push the most used services to a subscription plan.

FYI Samsung's actual reported 2012 Q1-3 revenue, $104.5B. Can't seem to find revenue numbers for Q4, just a record profit of $4.5B. Not that I care about Samsung, just offering some perspective.

Bow before my massive battery instead, LOL. That's with 3hr screen on, downloading and listening to a 2hr podcast, listening to music for a hour or so and maybe 30-45 minute browsing the internet, all on 4G. I did give it a 1hr bump charge before I left work yesterday, but I was going out and wanted to be sure I would

If you are having that much trouble you should probably go back to iOS. After buying my DLNA capable TV I was sending video, audio & YouTube to it from my old ass Thunderbolt in no time (from both a free app and built-in software). Standards are a good thing. AirPlay is just Apple's way to require you to buy their

Yeah, I'm running a CM10 Jellybean rom on my aging Kindle Fire ( a "Ghetto 7") and it has breathed new life into that device. It's so much smoother and polished it's insane. Will be a nice stop-gap device till I can upgrade to a true Nexus 7.

No more paying for tethering on Big Red;

As a longtime Verizon smartphone user I stopped waiting a long time ago. I have had 6 smartphones on Big Red and have rooted every one and installed custom roms. Sadly since I have a Thunderbolt I'm still on Gingerbread (JellyBlur CM7.2) since there been no ICS leak with a working RIL. Due for an upgrade in November,

Nexus, see what I did there.

But, but, Global Warming, Cap and Trade, footprint and shit.

Take off the Apple colored glasses. Comparing worldwide sales of a $100 set-top box to US only sales of $1000+ PCs is disingenuous at best. It's a useless statistic. From what I've been able to find online Apple TV is at about 32% marketshare right now. That's very good and is a far more useful number than comparing

Yes people get drunk, I think we are all aware of that. I once passed out in a strip club parking lot (many years ago) so I understand that occasionally people go beyond their limits. Guess what though, I didn't break anything that night. If someone is concerned about their phone there's always the option to leave it

I have to agree. If someone can't go out and have a good time without getting so screwed up that they break shit, they should probably stay home. Time for you fools to grow up. Getting so effed up that you can't be trusted with your smartphone is not cool, it's pretty damn lame.

The fanboi factor has decreased, but just when you get comfortable *BAM*, level 10 fanboism in your face! "Ugh, Windows 2000? Floppies?! I bet there's an app for that!" The image of the photo booth blows a hole in her whole premise with the phrase "or CD-ROM" right beside the box she so careful placed. Sigh. Yes there

If this size comparison ends up being accurate, I really don't see the point in an iPad Mini. It's really not that much smaller than the 10" iPad. Unless Apple really strips the hardware I don't really see it being that much cheaper either. I really don't see Apple being able to match the price AND specs of the Nexus

If Amazon makes a phone it will be mid-level hardware at best. They would probably put their god-awful skinned version of GB from the Kindle Fire on it too. *shudder* I just threw up in my mouth a little.

It's really an odd situation. A Samsung device has an injunction against it for the way an open source OS uses unified search. It really makes me wounder how many more times things like this can happen before Google decides it's time to get involved. Right now they seem to be bending over and taking it, but I'm sure

I agree, if Apple put energy into real innovation rather than lawsuits they would have to worry about what the competition is doing. They are bleeding marketshare because the platform is stagnant. What's the biggest thing they've brought lately? Siri? That's a tech demo gee-whiz feature to many. Sorry, but a