
@Facebook: Actually my IE (yes, I have to use IE at work) flash-blocker add-on spell checked that and corrected it. I just clicked the pretty underlined word (and picked the wrong one *hangs head in shame*).

@Joe Legeckis: Good points. My question for Apple though is why is the Air only getting 4 hours of battery with a SSD? Not saying it's a smoking gun or anything, just seems like this should get better battery life than that.

@RawheaD: Only problem there is that the portability of this computer is a big selling point. If a road-warrior needs the ability to burn discs or play DVDs, having to carry around a separate external drive is not a good thing.

"A thousand bucks is still 'spensive for a second computer"

@EthanPeter: Yes, it does make a difference. But is that difference worth $700? To some it will be, to others that's insanity. But, love it or hate it, it is a sexy bitch.

Needs more of this.

@vwgti303: Exactly what I thought, especially with that image of the dude scrunched up against the wall.

@spectralveil: Paycheck to paycheck here too. I just had to save up to get a boxsprings and matress (the one we had was killing us) and that sucked. If I hadn't got some overtime a few weeks ago I'd still be saving up.

@rick23: I can't claim it, my wife saw it one of the sewing/crafting sites she goes to.

@spectralveil: I agree, but in the end doesn't help someone with a family of 5, one income and no credit cards. ;)


Open letter for those crossing their fingers for a carrier subsidized Nexus 2:

Maybe he can find that baby shaking app and everyone at the party can just take turns shaking the piss out of him. A good time for everyone but him. I love it when a plan comes together.

@Graviton1066: I don't see where you're coming from at all. MS didn't trojan horse xbox into peoples living rooms through other devices. They put it on the market, some people prefered it and purchased it. I don't how you can find an antitrust issue with the xbox.

@legendofmatt: Well, it was $10 per sq inch 6 years ago, not so sure about now...

Scotty says to just use transparent aluminum, noobs.

@tanukineri: Touchscreen keyboards are getting better, but my wife texts me a lot and I much prefer a physical keyboard. I've got serious man-hands. ;)

@orionx3000: Just because it has the word "wet" in it doesn't mean it works.

All that slide and no keyboard? I say lose the analog pad thingy and give it a keyboard. A small keyboard is better than no keyboard.