
MS making the Zune software your interface for WP7 on the PC was a slick move. Should help pull a lot of people to the Zune marketplace if the phones sell well.

@2 replies: I know the contacts are suppose to integrate with FB, maybe it's built into WP7 by default.

@jibbly: Seriously, if they score HuluPlus before it's time for me to upgrade I might not be getting a Android device anymore.

Well, it's already started...

@TheMightyTexMex: Or any part of the truth, other than the fact that it uses electricity is some form or fasion.

@mconheady: Credit for what? Speaking english? Patenting this is lame, who the fuck is gonna try and steal "There's an app for that"?

@mexi1010: I would hazzard to guess that the vast majority of people who like portrait sliders are Blackberry users. This thing will feel huge in their hands.

@FlameCell: Exactly. It's like me selling someone a box of 12 Twinkies, but 11 of them are actually a turd wrapped in a yellow sponge.

That's not really a small phone to begin with, after sliding it up it seems like typing on that keyboard would feel awkward.

I'm usually a pretty laided back guy, I can put up with a good bit of ass-hattery from people without letting it get to me.

@Akio Morita: Actually last I heard the Xbox 360 is profitable. The Zune on the other hand...

Being a happy Zune Marketplace user, I've been keeping an eye on WP7 even though I'm still leaning toward Android for my upgrade next spring.

@Yeah!: I get where you're coming from, but I still stand behind my feeling that glass on the back of a phone is a horrible idea. Sure, you're gonna have people that will baby it, and they will never have a problem. But a lot of people use their phone a lot, carry a lot of stuff and those people can't (or chose not

@Yeah!: But how often is a phone put in a position where it can be dropped, sat on, have something set on top of it, etc. as opposed to how often this happens with a flatscreen TV. Get it? Not the same.

@Yeah!: Not everyone has kids and/or animals. Some people choose to mount their flatscreens on the wall, so, yeah, still not the same. At all.

@Yeah!: Not quite the same thing at all.

@snitch: I'd say people still wouldn't want a shatter back either. At least when you drop most phones you only have a 50% chance of the phone landing glass side down.

@Kwinten: Some people will buy the iPhone and have no issues; some will buy it and have nothing but issues. Is everyone that falls into one or the other group lying? Not necessarily. Both of these issues are influenced by build quality and perception (and with the antenne, signal strength), and both seem to vary quite