
All these charts tell me is that Apple's stock is over-valued. It wouldn't take too many poor choices made by the company for that chart to look very different in a few years. People are fickle, Apple's been able to keep the shiney-cool factor inflating their profits for a while, but can it last forever? Maybe it can,

@usedtowork: @Tetsuooooooo: @MazdaMania: You guys are all taking this too seriously. Buy the phone you want, enjoy it and leave the slap fights on the playground. It's freakin' phone! The Android vs iOS fanboy debates are getting as stupid as Democrats vs Republicans. They are the same, but different in subtle

@reuthermonkey: I know it's not all about the map, but that's generally pretty sparse looking to me.

@yoshi: Don't really see it being a problem. It's not really going be the same situation as when it was an unexpected runnaway success on intial release. AT&T simply was not prepared and have been playing catch-up ever since. VZW will know what is coming, but even then they still won't see the massive influx of new

Woo Nashville, TN! Maybe by the time I upgrade next Spring it will be in Knoxville too. That would be sweet.

I usually don't bother asking this question (especially on this site), but why does the title single out the iPhone when any smartphone that runs Google maps or Bing can do this? Are the iPhone users the only one lame/smart enough to do this?

@Eddard: If they really stay true to the "feel" of the original movie I'm really looking forward to this. It's not so much story that has to be told, but if told well could be a great movie.

Looks like a Patrick poop.

So the name for a hybrid of these two stereotypes would be what?

I hope they remembered to remove the gunpowder from those, otherwise some heavy bass could really ruin your day.

@sirmeili: I'll have to check for that on my Roku, I can't say I remember seeing it as a category on there either.

"Andy Rooney is a crotchety old man who hates everything"

@thinkthis: One thing to keep in mind is that a PSP doesn't have a full-blown phone OS running and sharing resources with the game. A dedicated machine like the PSP often can do more with less.

@Shamoononon: Actual it was from the other...I got excited...a little...

@MaNiFeX: I think I just spotted my pants a bit. That a big green pile of win.

@salsafresca: First time it's happened to me, and I've been far more inflammatory in the past. Not sure what that was all about.