
@FriedPeeps: Plus, if all else fails, root it and put a custom rom on it. Man I'm looking forward to dumping WinMo next spring.

@blazinsmokey: I said on the Verizon variant, yes this article is about the keys on the T-Mobile G2, but this handset has already been confirmed to be coming to the Big Red too. Doubtful they will totally remove those keys.

I sure hope Verizon doesn't change those keys to VZW Nav, VZW Music and VZW SpamCrap on their variant of this phone.

@RenRen: I think the flu is only 3% of the cause...

@xd.Balls: I don't really know much about him, but I have a hard time getting my head around the idea that there is the possibility that someone is a bigger douche than Kanye West.

@mynamesafad: Doh, stupid impatient clicky fingers (I blame it on the proxy server here).

@mynamesafad: Maybe she's one of those girls that likes to be peed on, win-win.

@blyan: Paris Hilton is like a turd in a silk pouch. It's nice to look at but if you touch it you might want to wash your hands.

Ugh, no need to put that back together...

@Gators15: Smelly hippies AND iPhone users, definitely not doing this. ;)

@Temporal: But the Roku box does have Amazon streaming as well as other misc streaming channels. It will be interesting to see if this announcement affects Amazons streaming prices or spurs Roku to get some higher profile channel support. I really want Roku to add a channel that allows me to stream my own content from

@Dancing Milkcarton: All ya have to do is mix unicorn urine and snipe blood together and smear it on your existing TV. Get with the program buddy.

Sorry Apple, my cable bill is $65 a month. Add $9 a month for Netflix and call it $75. With just Netflix streaming & Hulu I have far more content available and still have the option to rent movies from Amazon with my Roku box (if I wanna waste money).

@Doug Leins: Exactly, this is just a Roku box with a pipeline to iTunes for the most part. I have a hard time getting my head around paying to stream a TV show or movie after being a happy Netflix streaming user for so long. I can wait a while to get that new DVD release through snail-mail and save my $5.

A multitouch Nano? Really? Steve is losing it, this thing loses so much functionality all for the sake of a touchscreen on a device few think needs one.

I can see them offering this at a heavily discounted price to Prime users (Prime rules), but it doesn't make good business sense for them to just tack it on for free. Maybe 6 months free streaming for new Prime customers, something like that would make more sense.

This is the kind of semi-useless invention I love. Do want.

@I dont try to start arguements, really I don't: It doesn't? Not that it really affects me, but that seems kinda stupid. I thought MS was the king of having different ways to do the same thing that don't work together (I'm looking at you Live Mesh and Skydrive).

@jarch3r001: Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange.

@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.1: I can respect that. I would like to see ZM hit us with Pandora-type streaming. Think that may be part of WP7, but I'm not so sure I want a WP7, so there's that. Yeah...