Mark Hamill is awesome on Twitter
Mark Hamill is awesome on Twitter
I always tell kids there is no such thing as girl stuff and boy stuff, there is only stuff you like. If you like it, it’s for you.
OMG, shut UP.
Or I didn’t like the first one that much and hope the new one is better?
That’s only because your daughter is too young to know that by loving Ghostbusters with girls, she is ruining some nerd’s childhood.
She’s not only a giant, she has the nerve to be a Black giant. A Black giant who isn’t even a model and isn’t even light-skinned. Just who does she think she is, expecting to wear dressy clothing and have a few designers respond favorably to the idea of dressing her!
I have a crazy friend who has been wearing his fingers to nubs lamenting this ‘tragic, callous’ strike-down of protective measure for da wimmins.
Yep. When women in Texas weren’t dying from complications from abortions, but were dying and endangering their health carrying out unwanted pregnancies or performing desperate and dangerous DIY abortions, the forced-birthers can’t possibly claim they carried about “protecting women.”
She’s full of shit. They all are. They give not a single fuck about the woman or the baby. Only the birth.
I would bet a fair amount of money on the latter. I would also bet a fair amount of money that if she or her daughter had an unwanted pregnancy, she’d terminate (or help her daughter terminate) without a second thought, because it’s only bad when OTHER people do it.
I’ve asked some former antichoice people this question, and they say it is a combo of both. First, in the fore-front of their minds, they believe this and repeated it. They also really believe they are saving the lives of actual babies. Second, beneath the surface of all that, they know the laws don’t actually protect…
The UNBORN women. Not the born women. Remember, pro-lifers are concerned with ‘life,’ not the living.
“...truly a loss for those of us who saw the law as something meant to protect women.”
“It’s lonely over here in the pro-life camp,” Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life of America”
I’ve never watched this guy particularly, but I do get the idea of You Tube stars in general. I don’t follow any regularly, but the few I’ve seen off and on have just had kind of a sketch comedy feel to them. So, to me, watching their videos is the same as watching a sketch comedy show on TV.
Are you that desperate for attention that you purposely make shit harder for real victims of hate crimes? What the fuck is wrong with people?
That oxy high.
America loves a human trainwreck. I want her to go away. Her stupid, affected accent (Where is she from? Minnesconsin?), her incomprehensible speeches, her constant stream of BS and hypocrisy are so tiring.
The Donald doesn’t have time to write down his own words. One of his employees, not a smart one, because some of these people are very much not smart, but one of them, the dumb ones, wrote this. And even if they didn’t so what? A lot has changed in 3 years. England left Scotland and the EU left Europe and that was all…
Why is anyone still paying attention to this woman’s nonsense? She has zero clout, no public platform, and no influence. She’s even too lazy to grift properly.