I personally find being able to play an instrument to be completely non essential to being a great pop star. Like, Beyonce is a better pop star than Gaga despite never having a song with herself as the only songwriting credit. I mean, a session musician could do what Gaga does.
It’s because it specifically plays on Chinese beliefs.
This is a mean way to scam someone and steal from her, but how is it a hate crime exactly?
Although an employee’s status as an alcoholic or a recovering drug addict may merit protection under the ADA in certain circumstances, including when the employee is in rehabilitation and is no longer using, an employee or job applicant is not “a qualified individual with a disability” if he or she is “currently…
“Did you use miles to upgrade?”
This story sucks, and makes me very angry. I am sorry that you had to put up with that bullshit.
Most dermatologists wouldn’t raise their hands in such a case unless there was really no other medical personell on the flight.
At what point in your life (and I’m an old white male, so obviously, I can’t totally relate. Sorry.) do you not just go “I want your name and that of your supervisor. Now.”
It’s worse for women of colour, but I think all women get this, especially when they’re younger. A friend of mine is head of policy for the charity where she works, but people will always try to talk to her male colleagues (to their credit, they direct the questions back to my friend). It’s really frustrating to watch…
Honestly, if I was the passenger who fell ill I’d be mad as hell too. You nearly let me die because you’re racist and sexist? There was a qualified doctor offering to help and you GOT IN HER WAY? I’d be fucking furious.
My experience with Delta, as a brown lady. Three years ago, flying from a meeting in Detroit to SF, standing in the premier line. Gate agent repeatedly tries to shoo me out of the line a good 10 minutes before boarding was going to start. Mind you he approached none of the other (white, male) passengers in the…
In the book Black Robes, White Justice there is a similar story. The author, (a black judge) is awaiting medical treatment in an ICU along with a barely sapient white man reeking of booze and homelessness. The doctor, having been told “The honorable judge Wright is awaiting” him, comes past the curtain, looks at…
What will I do if I don’t make you horny
I still think Vicki is more vile. Her doing that cancer commercial underscores it for me. Kelly is a cauldron of hate though. The way she engenders drama and then trays to act like the victim is so transparent. I mean she’s trying to be Kyle from BH but she has no friends/allies to do her dirty work.
I think her decreased alcohol consumption due to her fitness thing probably has had more of an impact than Jesus.
No it’s not a TV show, they’re personal friends of Kara Brown.
We really need to talk about how LIVID Heather was at being kicked out of the department store. I thought her eyes were going to pop right out of her head. Her disbelief at having experienced such a travesty was by far the highlight of the episode for me.