
And nothing of value was lost. You can’t really complain about the loss of “value” when that peak valuation was insane and unjustified in the first place.

Falsies are eyelashes.

I’m not sure the best way to fight the patriarchy is to casually devalue the fact that it adversely affects men as well.

(I posted in the wrong thread, it seems.)

Before the military started cracking down on hazing against homosexuals, who do you think was getting beat up by anti-homosexual attacks? Sure, a lot of gay servicemembers were attacked, but a large number of the attacks were against straights who were mistakenly believed to be gay.

It’ll be so easy to do damage control. Just send him to more hospitals to visit children with cancer dressed as Captain Jack Sparrow and done! Look, would a woman beater do that? Of course not. But let’s talk about Amber’s bohemian lesbian lovers and how much spousal support she was seeking, the money hungry whore.

I love Andy Richter. Loved his series, which should have been hits. And he fucking slayed when he was on Celebrity Jeopardy.

And Amber would probably have MORE...Uh...insight into how Johnny Depp acts as a husband than friendly acquaintance?

I love it when guys defend other guys by talking about *their* own friendship as evidence for why the guy must not have beaten his female partner. It’s like white guys saying “my white friend has always been great to me, there’s no way he’s racist!!”

just want to say....

Yep. This is yet another example of a grown ass adult projecting their own weird shit onto a little kid.

And women have been avoiding lines for the ladies’ room by peeing in the men’s room in colleg bars for decades and everyone was fine. Sit, do your business, wash up, bai. Conservatives are weird.


Eh, I don’t think men make a big deal out of displaying their dicks in the bathroom. Most folks just want to pee and get out. I think she is far more traumatized by this raging maniac trying to beat up her dad than she would have been by a glimpse of penis.

What is news is that the co sponser of the TN version is accused of being a serial, sexual harasser. He literally has to be separated from the women folk:

To be fair, he’s almost certainly someone with no experience being interviewed for tv who found himself on the spot after an emotional and confusing event and just kind of cobbled together some words. Turns out most of us suck shit at producing sound bites unless we practice. He also said, “it shouldn’t matter what

Little did we know: before Obama, transgender people could metabolize their own waste so they never had to use the bathroom. That’s why everyone is freaking out! They’re just jealous that they don’t have Trans Super Powers!

“The only thing that makes sense in my head at the the time was whole Obama thing with forcing transgenders to use bathrooms.”

The most likely thing: Her lawyer said, “Hey, as long as we’re filing, let’s include a petition for spousal support, it’s standard procedure,” and she said, “Okay, you’re the expert.”