I’m going to suggest John Leguizamo. It would be SO worth it to watch the LA rich guy of the week have it sink in that this motor-mouthed, complete annoyance of a Latin had been playing him all along.
I’m going to suggest John Leguizamo. It would be SO worth it to watch the LA rich guy of the week have it sink in that this motor-mouthed, complete annoyance of a Latin had been playing him all along.
This is like one of those blue/gold dress things right? Cause I swear I’m seeing the same hat twice.
I don’t get it, you posted two photos of the same hat...
The big white one goes over the little red hat, right?
For years, people have said he’s nuts.
Snyder had to get it done before the sun came up and he was back in his coffin.
An inexperienced coach needs a reliable brain trust around him.
Well, he married Kate Upton, so that pretty much takes care of ball juicing regardless.
it might not have been set afire, but that jersey definitely got burned.
According to the unwritten rules Pillar gets to charge the mound via Media Mail.
I dressed that way in the 90s back when it was called “looking shitty” and “being poor”.
The headlights are better than most pop ups in that they are hand cranked and rotate sideways to open.
“Moore finally got on the scoreboard by winning that game after two deuces.”
Well, I hope Draymond at least sends you a card on Father’s Day.
In Eminem’s origin story he’s bit by a radioactive Summer’s Eve.
Well lord knows that there are no prominent Latino playwrights or composers.
It’s a shame that Spanish has gone the way of Aramaic and there is no longer anyone around who Kushner could have consulted with who could provide an accurate translation.