
It strikes me as hyperbole mixed with sarcasm. But that is just me.

Actually about 4 and 1/2 times...

Apple- It just "works"! It keeps banker's hours and takes long vacations, sometimes even a sabbatical. Of course when it is just "working" don't ask it to do anything outside it's tightly written job description, it doesn't do that. Also, it's been getting migraines lately and needs this afternoon off.

As much as I love to rag on the storied history of French surrendership, they kicked ass this year in Mali.

True. The French resistance was instrumental during WW 2. And they did warn us repeatedly about getting involved in Vietnam. They were willing to go along with us into Syria and they do have nukes. They came to our aid during our spat with the British when King George got a case of separation anxiety.

Damn streight.

Ha hilarious!

The French army is pretty badass. They have an amazing military history. This article is pretty offensive. I could point out America gets upset over a few thousand military casualties. France has a 1/5th of the population and has fought a lot harder in the 20th century.

The french army is pretty bad ass. They are one of the few Nato countries in Afghanistan that are willing to actually put troops out there to die. Stop it with the white flag shit.

Yeah I wondered about that, too. For me, the one that stood out the most and elicited the most emotion was the Rwandan genocide. Terrible. Awful. Hard to process.

You love that you can tell that you won't watch a video, but you can't love when you can tell that you won't click on a link and comment on said video's page?

The federal bureau of the department of redundancy office called, they would like you to promptly report to them ASAP, immediately. Apparently, the way you structured your words ambiguously in a dubious sentence as a questionable phrase would be nonsensical, maybe even senseless, and at the very least illogical.

Don't try to understand Gawker's white guilt.

I swear, those things have magnets built into them

Treemendous comment, sir.

One ping only !

If only Vasili had given one ping, this whole situation could have been avoided.

sharpie in pooper? What am I missing... what's the issue with gawker media?