I had to like, then unlike this comment just so I could like it again. *Imaginary hat tip.
I had to like, then unlike this comment just so I could like it again. *Imaginary hat tip.
You really ought to stop being appalled so often; you’d save a fortune in monocles.
I can never properly put into words why I dislike him so much as a person and an author. Thank you for articulating it so adroitly.
Too soon.
She is eternal.
My God! It’s so perfect! So brilliant! How has no one ever thought of that before?!
Ahh, I see. I am grateful for the guidance of my learned colleagues in this nuanced field of law!
The great thing is that they probably didn’t even realize what they were doing.
I deeply apologize for the unintended mental anguish that I have cau... good God that image is rampaging through my mind. Get it out. GET IT OUTTTTTTT.
Ru Paul has already agreed to oversee it with her signature style. The bottom two will be up for elimination.
Aaaand once again a Gawker media site goes for style over substance, claiming use of the smugshrug rendered it pop culturally “over” even though it’s actual use was incredibly on point politically.
You have the greatest Kinja name I have ever seen.
Well, my dating life is pretty much DOA anyway, what have I to lose? Other than some appendages and my pulse ...
My reactions today: The Supreme Court delivers an opinion vouchsafing my right to get married to the spouse of my choosing? Whatever. Shade Court opinions due out? YAAAAAAAAAAAAASSS. (Whatever, I stand by my priorities)
I think there are advertisements for pills on the internet that promise otherwise.
For a good time, read Scalia’s dissent. For example: “If, even as the price to be paid for a fifth vote, I ever joined an opinion for the Court that began: “The Constitution promises liberty to all within its reach, a liberty that includes certain specific rights that allow persons, within a lawful realm, to define…
Who is this Diplo character? I am sincerely asking. Am I better off for my ignorance?
I was always a bookworm and never much of a film buff. And then I watched Bringing Up Baby and the Philadelphia Story in a film as literature course, fell in love with her, and devoured every movie and book on her I could find. She remains, in my mind, an unparalleled talent and personality.
And what was with that attempt at a Long Island accent that came out like a half-baked Boston drawl that NO ONE ELSE HAD?!
Oh, come now. Is anyone actually mourning/missing Declan?