
I was living under a rock and hadn’t watched the show until last month, when my boyfriend was watching an episode when I came over after work. I instantly fell for the infinite charms of Gina Rodriguez (seriously, how can any human be THAT delightful?!) and proceeded to binge watch every episode in every spare moment

I don’t think that world exists anymore in the DC Multiverse.

Every day I thank my lucky stars I was able to pack up and flee Georgia in my twenties. People like this remind me why I never want to go back.

For some reason instead of immediately and properly thinking of something like a“Woke Bar” candy when I read your comment, I imagined an actual bar that served candy. Like, skittles and M&Ms on tap, top shelf chocolates, and cookie sliders.

That would actually be a pretty decent hipster bar name.

She shoulda gone with Marty.

Wait ... the FIRST GOP Android Hopeful? What about the Bob Dolebot 2.0 and Mitch Romnomaton 3000?

Seriously. The only reason I am still watching was from the beginning I wanted to see a Mellie/Liv team up, and now that I am finally getting it, I can stomach everything else (including Fitz’ continued existence and the Susan/David/Liz nonsense).

But I will defend to the death my opinion that Papa Pope’s monologues

... for some reason I’m okay with that ...

All yours. I gave up gluten this week. Just so I could be insufferable and say “You guys, I gave up gluten this week. Now let me spend the next hour telling you why it’s just, SO HEALTHY.”

......I’ll take it.

Sadly not, but if it’s an option, I request to spend my days sipping port in a dusty library ruminating personal tragedies.

I think it happens at a young age through indoctrination. Example, an uncle gave me a Atlas Shrugged to read when I was nine, and I was an insufferable asshole through my mid-twenties.

As far as I know, there’s actually relatively few, they are on a state by state basis, and most concern shielding minors. Some states I know have privacy laws that are meant to protect the identities of sexual violence survivors. I don’t think New York has one. Someone with more knowledge wanna help me out here,

Everything, the crime and assault, the deli employee’s actions, and NBC’s ghastly intrusion on the family, about this article is horrific.

(and before people jump on freedom of press, that has to be balanced by basic decency and humanity; the facts of the case could have been reported without imposing on the family at

Because then it wouldn’t be about her and her brave stand for tribal cultures!

Together they would make the most sleep-inducing gay porn ever.

Anyone who is not charmed and delighted by Kate McKinnon is a terrible human being. There I said it.

And Astro!

Im goanna say it outright: I’m terrified.