
Alan Rickman, Kate Winslet, and sumptuous period piece porn. I don't care what the plot is. I need nothing else.

My father blames my turning out gay on watching this movie with my mother 10,000,000 times when I was kid.

Now playing

Not cute you say? I give you red pandas playing in snow. Because winter. Thanks winter.

Your wheaticism left me in stitches.

Hhmmm, does that mean you need to change your Kinja name to "Infantosaur"? (Please don't)

Why would you even suggest any of these break ups could happen? You're jinxing it! Take it back take it back take it back take it back!!

My favorite game! "Fox Segment or Onion Article Title"!

Can we start a movement to have Dora canonized?

"I didn't tell him to go and commit suicide. I said I prayed that he would"

Mallory Archer: "And I suppose that makes it better?"
Sterling Archer: ".... doesn't it?"

Do you need a bailiff for shade court? I can spout a pretty respectable "Oyez oyez oyez."

(Or maybe midgets)

They got them hoppy legs and twitchy little noses, and WHAT'S WITH ALL THE CARROTS?!

I've got a theory ... it must be bunnies ...

Too much 30 Rock? I don't think that's a thing ...

You're not alone, and there are many of us who mourn the fact that he has declared that cuddly pratt shall not return ;_;

Moral of the trailer? Even raptors wanna hang with Chris Pratt.

You say bombing, I say winning.

Annalise's reaction to him this week though was priceless: "Are you good for anything or are you only useful when you're screwing evidence out of men."

My theory: Annalise does it masterfully in a manner that implicates all her students. She looks at them, steely-eyed as they gape over Sam's dead body like a bunch of slack jawed-yokels and says: "And now it's time for your final exam. The class, let's not forget, 'Is how to get away with murder.' So then, children.

When is Shade Court coming to daytime TV? I need a daily fix and it's time someone dethroned Judge Judy.