I want that on my tombstone.
I want that on my tombstone.
The idea that Cordelia was the next Supreme was not out of nowhere. It was telegraphed in the pilot where Fiona chastised her for never "embracing her powers" and the image in the intro when Sarah Paulson's name comes up is Santa Muerta, the Lady of the Seven Powers. While clumsily handled, an underlying story of…
Agh! And then he just growls in frustration at the mean humans who are just standing there, not helping! LET MY PUPPIES GO!
Holy crap this is greatest .gif the internet has ever produced....
Can't we get both?
Can I join?!
Day. Made.
Anyone else get a mental image of a knife-welding Julia Roberts screaming "My colors are BLUSH and BASHFUL"? Just me?
You are not alone!
My theory is that it's Nan. As Fiona said, she's smarter than all the rest put together. Ten bucks says she's been psychically feeding Zoe all the spells Zoe has picked up seemingly out of nowhere, and is manipulating everyone else telepathically, moving them like pawns in her witchy little game of chess. #TeamNan
I'm calling it that it's Nan, and she's been psychically giving Zoe all the knowledge to do the spells she's seemingly picked up out of nowhere and is otherwise manipulating everyone else.
Thank you! It came down to this or "SnarkPhoenix" ... and this won out as an excuse to use Richard Madden holding a puppy as my avatar pic :)
I think her class should firmly grasp the concept of structural racism now, having been handed so blatant an example.
Psh, call me when he comes out as SINGLE. Until then ...
My emphatic agreement with this post cannot be overstated.
I can't follow anything said on this thread because I am lost in his eyes.
You, sir, are a visionary. Godspeed in your mission and best wishes for its resounding success.