You just made me cum.
You just made me cum.
You forget they don't make the Ranger anymore. This is a vehicle that'll be used mostly for fishing and getting groceries—outside of its aesthetics.
They didn't have to merge with Daimler-Benz, Bob Eaton sold them off.
The dash was made by NASA, and it (along with its Buick Rendezvous twin) were the first full-fledged crossovers. The concept was a fantastic vehicle, and it was supposed to be running on a jacked-up Grand Am platform. However, due to the accountants at GM having their way, they moved it over to the minivan platform…
And the sun glare is REALLY bad on it.
Quite honestly, I really enjoy that!
I quite like the wagon, despite how it looks just like a VW Jetta wagon with BMW 5-series GT taillights & headlamps, and a tinge of Suzuki Verona cheapness about it.
I concur. Crappy layout is crappy.
"a few metric fuck tons of batteries" I think I'll be heart-clicking you.
Thank you for remembering that! I actually REALLY want Chrysler to make the 200 as a wagon with THAT back end. THERE'S STILL TIME CHRYSLER.
Love the Citadel concept.
I will beat you, and you will like it.
Then again, I also lusted after the Rio Cinco back when it was out. I really wish they still made it. I loved it's almost-wagon proportions. I want that in a subcompact car.
I do love the 9000... Thanks for bringing it up. When I have more cash to readily spend on a broken car—going to get a 9000 and make it gorgeous.
I would absolutely ride a Ram Van Free Candy Edition.
They could fit a lot of batteries in that if they hybridize it.
That looks like a Lotus Elise ate a Chrysler 200.
I want a "FUNK" button in my car.
Yaris Sport...
Ego bloat—for this guy...RIGHT HERE.
Thank you for bringing up the Cadillac Caterrorist.