
I love this line—I honestly LOL'd. However, I will admit this car is a guilty pleasure of mine. I'd prefer a Viper coupe, but I know the interior on the 8-series is heaven by comparison.

They drove one in that movie? Wow, I haven't seen that flick in years...

I still think the current Dodge Dart should've been named the Dodge Shadow—naming it after a respectable while leaving the heritage of the "classics" alone.

I'm assuming too big in terms of the optional W12 engine being in a passenger car built by "foreigners".

Because in the current economy, luxury & moderately-upscale cars are outselling sport-coupes at least 4-fold.

Beigekrieg = a cross between blitzkrieg & Beige, because VW is trying to up its volume to Toyota levels by becoming bland, boring, and "beige" like Toyota/GM.

Yelling won't do it it my opinion; you actually need to make them feel bad about themselves.

Look up a film by John Waters called "A Dirty Shame". it starred Johnny Knoxville, Tracy Ulman, Chris Isaac, and Selma Blair.

Not to mention once the medical bracelet travels through his system, he's likely to have majorly bloody stool if the bracelet with laminated.

It's official—I WOULD rock that. Thank you google search.

I would probably rock that.

It's a ZDX done right and (hopefully) for Juke prices.

As should his shit-for-brain voters. Time to start mocking the old and make sure they know they are pathetic, and it is time to make the stupid feel bad about being dumb.

Won't it make you feel worse for America if he's elected?

It is to the rednecks and elderly who vote republican.

I had to resubmit my avatar... I too was green for a while; I don't understand why Nibbles started eating people.

IT was cheap; truth be told I think the Rendezvous is the only thing that would've suffered if it existed on the Grand Am platform. Then again, there's a chance the Rendezvous may have never came into existence; I'm not sure if I like the feel of that.

Don't dirty the name of the Geo Tracker's alter-ego in this VW thread.

Because VW needs them to sell in the states in order for it to be profitable.

I concur.