I was leaning in that direction.
I was leaning in that direction.
Awe, you did the work for me.
Are we talking about the silver or blue one—I thought this was about the silver one, which is very phallic. The blue is not; however, the blue is my favorite.
Woody Wagon K-Car... No doubts about it.
They were the first reliable compact FWD that America made. It proved we could take on the imports, and we were ready to stand our ground. Granted it also came from Chrysler who went through quality hell for a decade.
The ILX is a lipstick-on-a-pig Civic; it sure as shit doesn't count.
the first generation Aurora is probably GM's only future collector's item from the 1990s.
Not going to lie, I much preferred the 2nd generation Fiat-sourced Saab 9000.
Geo Tracker!!!! (but with a nice interior)
I actually wanted the generation before this, but that hood looks spot-on.
That almost looks like a Sequoia now.
And I'm sure she can tell the difference between an emergency and turbulence.
No, it's an electronic device. If you aren't able to turn it off for 25 minutes—then you shouldn't be on a plane. Her life does NOT depend on the iPad; her guardian should have thought twice prior to letting her on the plane.