Except for anyone who knew they just hired a very good former Audi designer.
Except for anyone who knew they just hired a very good former Audi designer.
Actually, I must admit that Madison was decent. It is over-priced, moderately full of itself, and they didn't pay enough attention to their infrastructure as it grew its borders as far as it could they way a truly knowledgable city would've.
Accurate. I have no respect for the city of Green Bay—at all. Nor do I have a shred of respect for Wisconsin outside of the former existence of AMC out of Kenosha.
All the more reason why I think it ought to look like the taillights from the Cricket. Just just them a slight tailfin like the current 300, and maybe try to swurve them into the bumper just a smidge.
*sad face*
What the heck? I've never seen a convertible VehiCROSS before. I assume that was just a concept...or was it sold outside of the states?
Same as I have against Harley-Davidson. Over-rated crap from Wisconsin which has the people of said state act retarded. Not stupid—retarded.
Ripped from Wikipedia.org:
Lease it so you don't feel as guilty.
I'm a dude too.
For once SOMEONE agrees with me.
Where abouts do you live? Des Moines is a huge Hyundai, Mini, VW, and Dodge town. I live right in downtown DSM, so I do see quite a random mix.
I see where you're coming from, but I also think all driver's ed cars need to be stick shift...and kids forced on a GDL program should also have to have a stick. Why? If you have to shift gears —you don't have a free hand to text or do any other b^llsh!t.
If the final generation of Chrysler Sebring hardtop-convertible had it—then Land Rover sure as sh!t better have it.
Yep...I concur with your sudden retching.
I lived in Milwaukee, WI for my undergrad.
Sad fact...