
The reboot to the reboot we've all been waiting for!


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I feel like people who claim they want an hd remake of ff7 only think that they they do. An hd re-release? That makes more sense. But a full on remake? Part of the the charm of the game is that it is a psone Era game, and I'm not sure how you retain that by making the visuals the comparable to current Gen

You know these two used to get together over coffee and go "right, so you take those studios, and I'll take these... We'll split the exclusives down the middle... Have you picked out a color for your yacht yet? I think mine will be green."

At least we now have confirmation that being in Mario's shadow for so long has had severe effects on Luigi's mental state.

That's it, I'm buying a WiiU.

Seriously, the best thing to come out of gaming all year.

Crazy viral marketing for Nintendo.

I don't think you understood the point of that video. Comparing apples to oranges.

We all know that Scar is the best Disney villain ever. Why? BECAUSE HE ACTUALLY SUCCEEDED. He said he was going to kill Mufasa and become King. He did that. End of Story. Yes he lost the throne eventually but his original plan still succeeded.

He's waiting for someone to gift him the first game. The man wants to play the games in chronological order.

I'd say he should play Watch_Dogs...but he plays that already with the NSA

You should check the Field of View setting, this mostly makes people sick, higher FPS will never make you sick. The contrary will.

"Better than flappy birds"

Those were dark times they'll never understand.

I wonder how they will handle multiplayer? Wouldn't it be neat if they made a multiplayer compendium that combined all the maps and play modes from all 4 games into one mode.

Looks like it came straight out of a "How to Make a Rad Video Game" instructional tape from the mid-90's.

If you had to wear such a mask why would you NOT choose something like this? Go full post-apocalypse or go home.