Whatever - I believe TV commercials are addressing a different demographic anyway. Core-Gamers get most of their info from the Nintendo Directs.
The sweet sensation of deflation...
But think about it - THIS is what truly makes it a Nintendo experience - and maybe it is why your little sister wants to play Nintendo games with you so much - because she associates it with being together with family. That's what Nintendo games do: they bring people together. I agree though - they should find a way…
I still think it will give you the runs. But everyone should make his own experiences I guess...
I personally prefer Sleeping Dogs as it really makes you feel like you are walking on morally questionable ground - while at the same time pushing you deeper into it in a believable fashion. It's the perfect Setting for a Sandbox game in my opinion.
Japanese Sushi is about perfection - mango simply doesn't fit here.
Nintendo wins mobile.
It's common knowledge really.
My one big gripe with Lost Odyssey are its awkward dialogue sequences - performance capture and voice-acting felt off - the purist in me would even take Textboxes over this. Its Character and World design also feel rather generic. Gameplaywise it's a throw back to the oldschool JRPG formula - which is what it is... no…
Mango contains too much Fructose. Fructose hinders fat-burn. Fructose encourages yeast and bad bacteria to overgrow - which is bad for your gut flora. That's why you wouldn't want to eat it with raw fish... go ahead if you don't fear food poisoning. I for one shall eat the traditional sushi with fermented vegetables…
Hey! He can still hold on to the planks!!!
Black cats are different. My black cat growls like a dog, loves goat cheese - and follows me around all day - she's also very jealous and selfish and doesn't like it when you try to put her on your lap - she hates it when I try to comb her hair unlike my other grey striped cat. Every morning she comes to my door and…
Of course there is a reason - because Pokémon is more than just a game. It is a social event. Trading lies at the core of the experience and now with the addition of online trade even people who don't go to the special events are able to get the rare pokémon.
Simple: The games are designed around collecting and trading your pokémon - it's a social experience!
So basically, either it doesn't have any effect - which makes it a rather pointless preorder bonus. Or it affects the game - which makes it a stinker.
Ash is an awesome dude with his heart in the right place - winning is for whiners and pussies! Pokémon is not about winning - it's about relationships, testing your skills and finding your place - even if it means to let go of your Pokémon! Ash is a winner - because he knows how to lose.
Thanks for the link. :)
Here's how I do it: