
You’re all forgetting classifieds.  Craigslist and its imitators killed the biggest cash cow for print publications (and their online brethren) over the course of just a few years.

So, no deadline? No Jalopnik saying ‘we’d like you to write about xyz’? Yeah, this is gonna get interesting, as the test for contractor v. employee is a list of things and if the person meets ANY of the criteria, they are an employee.

If you are a freelance writer driver, you’re free to write drive for any publication company that is seeking content transportation services. You can write about what you want to write about drive when, where and for what services you want to, and you control your work environment completely. So, contractor.

I had an instructor at my school bring in a physical 3.5 inch floppy disk yesterday to show a student exactly what the save icon represented. Now I feel old.

I can tell you from experience, it is a real problem. I’m still stuck on un-reliable 10mbps DSL internet, and I live in a town of around 3,500. We are JUST getting higher speed Spectrum cable after decades of lobbying for faster speeds.

You should have recycled the paper. 

You can drive for any ride share company. You can pick your hours whenever you want. You can pretty much use anything thats not a heap of crap to do it.

The same applies to being a Lyft and Uber driver. You can start and stop driving whenever you want. You will not get as much money, but then again, it was never designed as a full time job. 

depends on where you live- i drove my Bronco2 around Colorado years ago and at the bottom of interstate70 climbs, you might be lucky to start in 4th gear and still be exiled in the right lane. part way up, time to be in 3rd. gonna try to pass a slow moving semi? down to 2nd.

It’s funny to think people believe they need 140 horsepower when you only need about 25-40 to cruise at highway speeds. It’s funny to think people believe they need speed.

Certain areas were hit much harder during the war, that’s the lore explanation. In real life, 25 years is long enough to come back, but you have to understand that after 200 years there has been a mutant war, and many other conflicts besides. We’ve only been shown either the deserts of the West Coast, or the heavily

They’ve literally tried to pull a No Man’s Sky for some reason, except this time people were calling it a mile away. This is an early access title that they justified a $60 price tag for because of the name’s behind the game. They justified this by saying they’ll continue working on the game for as long as it’s up. I

Ohhhh..... if I were in the market for a new car today, it’d be hard not to give my money to Hyundai... Between this and  the G70, they have covered the spectrum for enthusiasts....

Unlike the GTI, however, the Veloster N is only available with a manual gearbox, which is great in my eyes, but will likely hamper sales in direct comparison with the German.

Shut up and take my lunch money!

I really REALLY like this car. But it has a problem. KBB a used Genesis Coupe.

I just want to know where the 5.0 liter V8 Genesis coupe is. Weren’t we supposed to get one many years ago?

If only they didn’t kill off the Genesis 2.0t, we could look forward to a N model of that.

As a Ginny owner, it is hard to trade it for a Veloster... but along side. yeah. I think I might want to add it to the “stable” 

Why are you being such an ass? Ok fine, I'll spell it out. Devs create a WIP model, publishers are shopped to, they fund it or not and set the parameters. When the timeline is up the game is released and in most cases the devs see some residual while the publisher takes their cut.