
You know what's absurd? Playing King's Quest 6 on 6-9 floppy disks !! It was 9MB

Granted, the 650 was way more expensive years ago. I've seen it for about as low as $100. As much as I'd love to have one, I don't have PCI Express 3.0, that's where it gets expensive.

This comment will be delayed until July 2014. I feel that the gaming community deserves the best comment possible and this additional time will allow me to get it right. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

What are the odds that Steam OS game compatibility is a factor here?

They can use the extra time to explain to us why exactly we need a standalone OS and dedicated machines to play PC games.

Sums up Valve.

2014: The Year in Review:

Have you left the first area yet? Because the first area is boring as heck. But also most of the game is kill X of this, or fetch that. There is some genuinely great writing later on though which I found entertaining. I'd advise you to not get too bogged down in the side quests. There mostly there to help provide

Now playing

I have an idea on what to do with abandoned malls:

Exactly. If there wasn't such a big stink about this game would they go to the trouble to repair it? No. They'd leave it as-is and continue to reap in cash from unsuspecting gamers as most developers would who release shitty games. The only reason that they're doing anything about it is because all eyes are on them,

Buddy, BELIEVE ME, if I had any say in it, we wouldn't have 'em. You think they're frustrating for readers? Imagine having to deal with that shit for a living.

Because I fear being inaccurate.


We shouldn't be giving this any more attention than we have.

Mythbusters did this, and Adam's sneezes went something like 17 FEET away from him at a decently sized spread laterally as well. Jaime was less because of his ridiculous 'stache.


Do some research the next time and don't embarrass yourself writing uninformed comments online, please:

I think you broke my brain...

hahaha I love it.
"we had to enforce a strict no firearms policy after that"
Imagine more and more silly rules accumulating.
"No filming of your dog in close proximity"
"No filming of your kids in bathtub doing silly things"
"No filming of your sexual intercourse at home"
"No filming of your sexual intercourse ANYWHERE"

High speed cameras can be great fun. I worked as an engineer in a factory that produced high speed packaging machinery. Sometimes, the only way to figure out what was causing malfunctions at high speeds is to film it with a high speed camera. Then, you can see exactly what was happening in slow motion, and correct it.