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    Oh please. Now you are making excuses. Just because you are homeless, doesn't mean that common sense gets thrown out the f'ing window. She went into this agreement on her own volition, and when she broke her end of the agreement and the couple decided to fire her (which they have every right to), she decides to pull

    Nice burn.

    Boy, does that song bring back the memories. "Who's afraid of...The Art of Noise"

    While I realize that Valve has seriously dropped the ball with HL3 to the point where it's just flat out pathetic, do you remember when they released L4D2 too soon after L4D and all the fucking babies cried and started boycotting the game? Not saying that you were one of these whiners, but people can't have their cake

    Reminds me of my resume where for a year or two, I had the word "manger" instead of "manager". :(

    LMAO!! Oh man...that was funny!

    Johnson is a piece of shit! Every other sentence out of his mouth was "The Sacramento Kings". Sacramento has other much more serious issues that this moron should be worried about, than some crappy basketball team.

    Similar to the way I felt at Burning Man last year. After the Man burned, it's customary to walk around the flames. Well, let's just say it was similar to this, but with more clothes (if you can imagine that at Burning Man). While I am not ordinarily claustrophobic, I still had a slight sense of suffocating what with

    Michael Angelo Batio.

    +1 to you for bringing up a MAB video!

    That's a good point, and pretty much the only CoD game that has seen such price drops in the entire CoD line of games.

    Completely agree.....except, if it's the yearly CoD game, which still commands premium prices many years after a game was released.

    As usual, the developers couldn't be bothered with an Android version.

    LMAO! I was thinking something similar, but you definitely topped my thoughts.

    Absolutely. Vannos (sp?) on YT confirmed that it could be done.

    +1 for you, Sir.

    But as mentioned by someone else, it's not up to the developer to become the parent, counselor, or guardian. Why the fuck are people not held accountable for their own actions anymore? I commend the guy in some small way for having morals, but something about this just doesn't seem right.

    Actually, I think it was more the fact that they were playing on an Apple device that made them want to blow chunks! And no, "Chunks" isn't a dog in this case.
    rimshot Thank you, Thank you. I'll be here all next week. crickets


    The member of parliament for the area where the assault occurred called the case "breathtakingly horrible" and called on PARENTS to "recognize that they have greater responsibilities for controlling access to porn."