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    That guy, just became my hero!!

    PoE is a great example of a F2P game done well. While I have only put in about 8 hours playing it, it is a hell of a fun game.

    But Angry Birds gives you the option to buy the game if you don't like seeing the ads, or just want the full experience without all the bullshit "waiting" that is mostly required of F2P games. With Candy Crush, you either wait around to play it after you have used all of your chances, or buy more chances.

    What a shame..... :(

    You would have to move the mixamp to each system that you want use the headphones with and most likely make a few config changes to the system, but you should be fine with them. When I was in the market for headphones, I wanted a set that would give me the ability to run them on my gaming consoles, as well as PC, and

    The batteries cannot be removed.... Which kind of pisses me off for a product that costs as much as these do. I will say that they are pretty awesome, though. Bought mine right after Christmas and since my system didn't have an optical port, I got a CL X-Fi Surround External sound card as well. Outside of a few issues

    Damn. That's a cool site. Thanks for pointing it out.

    I came into a small amount of money around three years ago, and instead of building my own PC, I decided to get a laptop. So, I bought my very first pre-built system, an Alienware. I gotta say, this thing has run like a champ. I video fan did get noisy at one time, and I had to swap that out, but overall, it's a

    I completely agree. It's probably the same as I feel about consimworld.com. The way they do discussions there is absolutely the worst. The year is 2014 already! Gets some fucking decent forum software!

    Those chips kick ass. I have been a fan of them for some time now. Not really hot, but just enough pepper to spice it up a notch.

    And let me guess..... It will be $14.99 and have 4 new maps.

    The dumb ass still didn't answer your question.

    Damn...I am seriously jealous.

    Oh man....when I first read about you having Comcast or ATT as your options I thought, "Damn, that sounds like where I live...in Sacramento" Reading farther I see that you are in Sacramento. :O

    I really enjoyed the very beginning act of RE6 where you have to make it through the city to get to the cemetery. That was flat out awesome. Past that part, it slowly degenerated into complete shit. If Capcom would have made the whole game like that, I would have died and gone to heaven :)

    My thoughts exactly, Bob. If they would have had the gamer NOT be in the car, and just sat at the start/finish line, it might have been a different outcome.

    And that's why what you stated is YOUR opinion. I like Geometry Wars, and I like Resogun. They are both different.

    Oh man..... That is just awesome!

    Damn...at around the 0:12 mark, one of the drivers backs a truck in blind-side.

    I don't know why, but I found your comment quite funny, and I really did LOL!