
Steel Batallion was a game I regretted giving away with my xbox. Unfortunately I didn't have the room for it anymore at that time and the original xbox was going unused due to not having much roo mto even connect it at that point in time.

It is a tablet OS, adding a tiny bit of bloat to the desktop experience. Sure its progress for tablets and touchscreen devices but not when I am sitting in my chair typing away at my keyboard. The mouse is really a great device and unless they can create an interface that is as efficient while sitting in a chair and

It is too clunky for desktop use, I will be skipping on Win8, it is much easier to access functionality on the windows 7 desktop I have.

I spend money on my rig, what do I get for it? Even if the game looks the same as its console brother there are no jaggies(things look smooth), I can render it at my tv/monitors native resolution. And I can do all this with less FPS dips than on the console giving me a more streamlined experience. To me that alone

Alcohol is not an evil substance and I would say that with a straight face to someone who has had a drunkard for a father(or mother). Its easy to play the blame game when all the blame lay on the person who consumes the substance. Having that personality trait that makes you an alcoholic and being a complete and

I have the corsair 800d, what do I love about it? power supply is on the bottom isolated by a metal plate, wiring is done behind the motherboard so all you see are connectors coming from little holes. If you run an external water cooling unit it has pre drilled and grometted outlets all over the case. Nice quick

Now that I read the PDF I understand their idea. Its actually pretty good in the sense that it protects those who are innocent to some extent. Take a WEP secured WiFi connection which is prone to be cracked, could still cause an unnecessary raid.

The feel of the game, it plays really well. I would say most of peoples frustrations with difficulty were that they could not get used to the pacing. Slow, methodical. After the first few fights you either got it(making the game about medium difficulty) or you don't(making the game hellish hard with deaths).

Wish I had kept the original.

I was depressed when they decided to make a game that wasn't open world. Guerrilla was t he best in the series imo and going back to claustrophobic caverns was going back to the past where the game failed for me.

Molestation/Rape is everywhere, you just hear more about it in Japan which is either a result of not having much other crime or just rampant idiocy. I would probably say both considering the current climate over there would put a guy in jail for even batting an eye at a girl.

now get off your ax and re-enable gif images.. makes no sense why they don't support gif animations.

One day ima tell a gamestop employee to SHUT THE F*** up. It gets annoying to be asked every time to upgrade this, preorder that... EVERY FREAKEN TIME.... I always give them that stare, time is money and I can charge $90 an hour now give me my damn game and leave me alone. Every time I step into gamestop these days

Funny thing about computers is nobody knows EVERYTHING. But basic troubleshooting skills will fix those problems you can't google. For instance the server here in the office was hanging during post and generally just running terribly for no apparent reason. It was as simple as doing the old school method of

Am I the only one who mental farted and read Brian Ashcroft?

This is only a temporary stop gap, the future is terabytes+++++ of storage on a little thumb drive. Capable of backing itself up on the fly. Carrying around your entire life in something the size of your thumb, connect it to any screen and access anything you want to access. Can't forget wrist watch holoscreens so

considering its tech specs are ever so much unlisted I am going to assume theres garbage on the inside and it was just made for someone that is both rich and lazy and cares very little about quality. Best getting a few CD binders, taking a moment out of your day and organize everything. Buy yourself a good Oppo

This is a day and age where some games hit 2mil copies out of the gate. In the current corporate atmosphere anything else is kind of a bust. Of course you have publishers like NISA which understand their market is niche and set their expectations based on that market(usually to be suprised by actual demand).

on top of that the ambient gameplay elements(shooting, moving jumping) felt more like they came out of a game like Halo. Which in turn feels like a slightly less floaty Quake game.

I understand where your coming from, but you can get brain herpes from oral herpes which can be deadly.