
Tbh, I think even the PS4/XB1 is more capable than what we see here. Even the PC version could probably look better~

I have no trust in Comcast, but comcast owns only 2 things in this deal. The money netflix will pay them, and the power to possibly give some of their customers an extremely epic netflix experience.

This is kinda cool for netflix, I won't play the evil card until its proven there are ulterior motives. Only reason being, all companies have to buy their bandwidth (internet connection) from someone as do we consumers. Only difference is I don't want my computer in a comcast(or in my case verizon) office unless it

such a beautiful act of solidarity.

I believe Rue was a major catalyst leading into the side events of book 2 and the major evens of book 3.

welll you did one hell of a good job :D

I would buy it, not for the excersize but for how much fun it would be to play an FPS, even if for 30-60 minutes a day. This is like the thing of a 90s child dream, I remember putting on a virtual reality headset or even laser tag and wish I could take that experience to my games at home. Being able to control your

It really does, that was the biggest attraction to this post. Seeing Lightning in glasses......

look looks pretty bad, but in a good mindless way. For $10-$15 I would play it for a bit.

In motion both are so similar you would be hard pressed to spot a difference. On top of all this the FPS is consistent in both versions. Its only when you pause and look at the most minute of details in the ground texture where you see a difference.

well it would be great if it were just luck... problem is some people literaly put in $5000. $10000 into iilegal services to be the "best". Thats why I don't play Lineage 2 anymore, it rewarded cheaters over the normal player. There were some people who worked their ass off but that was rare and to get a high

Although far from classic JRPG I really enjoyed Infinite Undiscovery. Reviews be damned it was one of my best games of this generation. The action elements were exciting, and the story(cliche as it were) kept me excited to keep going.

Be too much of a bad guy and you are probably controlling, be too much of a nice guy and chances are you want me to think for you(not purposefully, but no ambition of self worth).

0-3, technology is the future. Theres more to do on a smartphone than call people and text people. Let them learn at an early age, and as they get older teach them safeties and let them know they have a log of all outgoing calls and texts.

When will they stop letting religion hijack our politics. Don't get me wrong I am sure religious people have all sorts of made up rules to follow, but why should people suffer for it.

xD Mines is worst, he will legitimately try to be a hero... and get us both killed because I am 10000 times more logical then he is and he doesn't think right often......................... Any apocalypse situation with him will spell my death....... probably by stupidity.

Bunnies are cute, saving a bunny is bad ass. Being in the same room with a bunny means ima squish it and squish it. Should be a win for any guy xD

Definitely ruined, but I have the opposite problem where I cant quest with my peoples. It makes questing really boring, its just so much more fun with people. A scaling difficulty would be awesome for quests between solo and group.

Is it just me or are most Taru Taru NPC's in this game just plain horny. Even the one whom just has a few words in costa del sol (ambiance conversations) is talking about how he can please a woman. Its amusing xD highly amusing.

A majority of my fun with FF14 has been grinding out dungeons.. pretty much skipped most of the quests from 25-46. The dungeon grind is actually very fast~ as well as fates. Questing in this game is like jamming a nail into my cranium. The story quests are good when theres no filler involved. The non story quests