
Herpes is Herpes, it just depends on where you get it. Cold Sores and Genital Herpes are basically the same. You can get genital herpes on your mouth which would be the same as cold sores for instance. Of course you can spread herpes to almost any part of your body, its just where it prefers to hide. For instance

Yea I had to get that shot as well, Chicken Pox seemed to dodge me and I was exposed to it multiple times(Or perhaps my immune system is really strong). If I remember I got that shot near the end of high school, chicken pox for adults(by another name which I forgot) is serious business. My parents were given the

Display port is darlin, but it would suck if it was used exclusively. I enjoy my HDTV ;)

Hence why most PC gamers pirate even if they buy games. But Steam has opened up the real good life offering games for lower than used prices and allowing us to buy and enjoy almost unlimited games.

Then make them yourself ;) I dare you to.

Same here, I found Demon Souls to be a game you figured out within the first tutorial zone (before 1-1) or got beaten into submission. Trick to the game was not rushing, or killing things like rambo.

Because knowing the exact year is going to make you a better person? We reject useless information to make way for relevant information. Doesn't mean you shouldn't understand the meaning of July 4th (What actually is important), same as memorial and veterans day which are sorely misunderstood.

By the definition you should go to jail for playing music at a party. Though I can see the merits of movies as most people go to those iilegal stream sites just to view it and be done with it. The music industry actually gains on people using their songs in videos. I have bought more than one MP3 on a song I have

yea actually I realized it was dropping my refresh rate to 24hz... the problem fixed itself randomly and now its running butter smooth(Needed vsync enabled, tearing is pretty bad without it)

Its rather unfortunate everything in Monsters audio lineup are overpriced garbage. Markup of all audio-products aside at least you get superb sound quality, but with the monster you get less than half of what you invest in terms of sound quality.

Might be button placement more than anything, and silly localizing. Considering the circle is probably better placed as an ok button.

My guess is if your playing in DX9 mode, and can play Crysis 1 considerably well or playable you should be fine. Shift over to DX11 mode and even a single GTX580/i7/6gbmem machine can't run butter smooth.

"And PS1 games, and (supposedly) PS2 games." The author of this blog post confused cPS1 and cPS2 with an actual PS1 and PS2. I just used PSX to signify a difference otherwise its just PS1 Ps2 all over the place ;) besides EVERYONE knows that a PSX == PS1

Its really something else with this patch, but even my single GTX580 which with water cooling block cost as much as 2 PS3's can't run it smooth like butter. Still serviceable, the graphical boost is AMAZING, you might say its nothing but it really adds to the ambiance of the game in an awesome way.


I would stay away from the Mamba and other razer mice especially for work. A mouse like the steelseries Ikari(optical or laser) and a smooth cloth or hard mouse pad will feel MUCH better. The ergonomics on that mouse is extremely comfy, and tracking due to its light weight is a 1:1 affair. The Razer Mamba I had but

Opinion is a funny thing now isn't it?

The multiplayer component looks like silly fun, the single player on the other hand is a bit of a mess based on the demo. It tried to modernize what should of stayed retro which is the gameplay. I have no problem with modernizing the feel of a game but lets face it, DNF was ALWAYS a game in shambles as attested

the intro videos had me C= then the game started and it turned to =C

You missed the golden age of PC gaming with Descent, and Freespace. By the looks of it futuremark is bringing it back ;)