
I'm usually flying cross-country, so jeans (or anything with a tight or structured waist) is not going to work for me - gas at altitude is painful! So yoga pants and a comfy shirt and (since it's usually the holidays and cold where I'm going) my puffy winter jacket. Sometimes I'll change into jeans when I reach my

Number 10 hits a nerve. My parents are both alcoholics (sober for over 25 years), but because I grew up in a household with no alcohol, it's not a part of my family identity and so I've never had a drink. I mean, it's probably for the best (genetics and all), but it is something of a hurdle to not only not drink

"Of course, the author says this piece is about the special standard that upper-class minorities are held to, but to me it's just a play that I could not relate to, and I think most people in the audience would feel similarly unengaged."

@AmosTrue: HA! I see what you did there. :)

@AmosTrue: That was in there? Damn, I have to read it again.

I would like to summarize, going only by the quotes here:

@keldo: Yeah, I live in LA, so when I see a resume with a picture, man OR woman, my first thought is, "this person is an actor and probably not a serious candidate for the job." I don't think I've ever critiqued a picture, just the presence of one.

@RisaPlata: I just realized the season 18 scarf is very similar to the season 12 scarf except that it just keeps going, so I could just use that as my continuing pattern if I want. Yay! Now I just have to find time. Always something. :)

@kumquat_the_bold: No, that's better because it's true. :) I could try doing that - I'm certainly not going to use all the yarn I bought (and I only got one skein of each color) with the pattern as is.

@kumquat_the_bold: I know the stories about the wardrobe department spending all their budget on yarn, but I thought that was debunked. Is there a better story?

@Nico Coer: He's 5'10" or so? I think. You're right, 15' is a little unwieldy. It's fine as a novelty item, but I'd like him to actually use it, so maybe 10 feet is closer to what I should be aiming for?

@kumquat_the_bold: Yeah, I'm thinking I might keep it on the needle while I try to stretch it so if it doesn't work I can keep going.

I'm knitting my father a Doctor Who scarf for Christmas. I'm panicking because I'm almost halfway through and it's not even 4 feet. I'm using a much bulkier yarn than the pattern says, so I downsized it by 1/3 but now I'm thinking I shouldn't have done that. I'll stretch it when it's done, but I'm a novice knitter.

@dodo-bajoe: I cry every time too, but I also cry during engagement ring commercials even though, not only do I not care about these people, I actively hate them for promoting the diamond industry.

@Sassy Pants: Marriage is a freakin' scary thing. I think it's normal to be afraid. Have you ever read A Practical Wedding? It's a wedding blog, but it also talks a LOT about the meaning of marriage, and having fears, and combining lives and all that stuff that's way more than just weddings. I highly recommend.

@L-dizzle: Aww, crap. I'm flying back from Providence. And there is no way in hell I'm going through a full-body scanner.

@sushini: And thank you to you and elyseface for nominating me!

Yay! My first cotd! Congrats midwesternmom, BHB, Moretta, AndPreciousLittleofThat! I am humbled.

@sexysecularist: You're absolutely right, but I'm at work and don't have the resources.