
Just to add: one of the easiest forms of “jade” to find is usually “new jade,” or serpentine, which the state legislature of California briefly considered banning because it contains lead (despite being the state rock of California). I’m pretty sure it didn’t end up being banned because no one sucks on unsealed rocks,

True story: I didn’t have to guess. My 5th grade teacher did this as a classroom exercise. Everyone had to list all of their friends in the classroom, out loud, in front of everyone. She had previously pulled me aside and said she was considering recommending me for a program for kids who have no friends to be friends

My job is to print out all of my boss' emails and file them in an incredibly elaborate system. I am keeping food on my plate. People with email signatures a half page long that say "please don't print this out" are killing trees. People with long signatures that attach to every single reply are killing trees. People

Ha! You corrected the spelling on mine, but it wasn't wrong. Mannekin is the brand name of those artists' dolls.

I like random tech stuff, but mostly I come here for the photography posts. The shooting challenges (even if I don't enter most of them, they give me something to think about), tips like shooting through a prism, etc. I'm not looking to buy a new camera every week, but I like that you guys show me new ways to use what

CBS isn't owned by Sony. It's owned by Viacom, which is confusing because at the top level you have Viacom (Sumner Redstone) and then you go one level down and CBS (Leslie Moonves) and Viacom (Phillipe Dauman) are sister companies. CBS also gets Showtime, Simon & Schuster, and CNet, and Viacom gets Paramount Pictures

It's a difficult subject, because the opposing side really and truly believes there's no difference between a fetus and a child. Imagine if we lived in a dystopian future where parents could bring their children, let's say between 2 and 6 years old, to a center - because the child had a physical or mental disability

It's easier if you drown the roosters and just keep hens. The neighbors complain less too, except when their kids wander over at drownin' time and want to watch. If you need more chicks you can just mail-order them. #truefacts

Have you tried one of those yogurts that makes you poop? I'm on depo, so I haven't gotten a period in years, but I tried one of those yogurts (once a day for two weeks) and started spotting. Which was very upsetting, and I immediately stopped eating the yogurt, but it made me realize how closely those two systems are

I would love gift cards to Michaels, Joanns, Fire Mountain Gems (someone else already mentioned), Etsy, etc. I mean, I'm always working on something but you can't guess what it is and buy materials for it. You just can't. However, if you must get me something, I really appreciate other people's crafts too. So I'd love

I think you misread: That is exactly what Ms.Andry is saying. She's speaking as a Canadian, being surprised the US is not further behind you.

I got a sext from someone I don't know. It was a woman, full-frontal nude from the neck down, and a long love letter in Spanish. I wrote back "wrong number," then deleted the original message. But seriously, who sends naked pictures of themselves without double-checking the number? Or maybe she was nervous and

I think you're exactly right. I remember when I was 9 and commenting to my Dad that it was going to be weird, with this election no longer having Reagan be the president because he had been president my entire life, so the change seemed scary. I knew absolutely nothing about political policy, but I knew that change

Those memes seriously fail on the "awareness" thing. I'll also post a message about, "this is what breast cancer awareness looks like. Breast cancer is not cute. It is not sexy. It is not diagnosed with a wink and a nudge. It is a real disease and it kills women and men." etc. etc. I really don't have a problem with

Ooh, that's a tough one. Every time one of those stupid Facebook memes comes up ("tell us your birthday, but make it sound like your due date! To freak out boys! Also, breast cancer!") I post a link to the SCAR Project. If I were in your position, I would probably print out some photos and hang those around my desk.

Oh, yes! If you're in the LA area and need a hand surgeon, let me know. We're not best buddies or anything, but I'll be going back to him once I get insurance again. (Yep, tumor #3! I just keep winning.) I also know a really good hand therapy office. I have 90% use of the finger, which, considering I know sign

You may have been to my first hand surgeon! Our "visits" consisted of him dictating letters to the insurance company while I sat awkwardly across from him. No chance to ask questions, etc. When the (non-cancerous) tumor came back, I found a new hand surgeon.

How does it compare with the Muse? Is it worth the extra $70 for one that allows you to change the aperture (even if you have to use a little magnet wand to do it)?

All of this has happened before, and all of this will happen again.

Or Bella Swan.