
How to Cure Machismo

Funny, this is exactly the outfit that a woman wore at the Los Angeles Rally to Restore Sanity. They had her hold the flag during the national anthem.

"This is what we love about Scarlett: that she's game, that she's good, that she can try on all these guises without seeming to try too hard."

When the boy who cried wolf decided to dress in sheep's clothing, the entire town collapsed into a silver-lined cloud.

@MoonfaerieWaterlilly: I have a sample of that, so I'll give it a shot. Is there a reason that you like it better?

@Oleander: Thanks. They seem so all-or-nothing on the websites, but it's good to know it doesn't have to be that way. I have this irrational need to have clear skin by Thanksgiving. Which is silly, because everyone in my family is well aware that I have adult acne (most of them do too) but I keep thinking it's another

@zombie_fairy: Thanks. I do get very impatient, so it's good to be reminded that not everything worth doing can be done in 10 seconds. :)

I broke down and am trying the oil cleansing method. Any tips?

@littleada: This is a good recommendation. I got the cake pre-made (one of those little packages of two slices of cake that sits in the bakery section saying "buy me!") so it is in danger of going stale. Thank you!

I stopped at the grocery store on my way home on Wednesday after much dessert-talk in groupthink. This was a mistake.

@SparklyTempest: The quotes are about two different books. The first one is about "Understanding Loved Boys and Boylovers," by David L. Riegel. The second quote is about the book pictured in the post.

@futuremouse: Have you seen the movie Teeth? Because I'm pretty sure if you have, that's where your mind is going to immediately go, no matter what.

@AthertonMerriweather: I tried watching one season (when they had Marlee Matlin and Penn Jilette) but came away well-convinced that I wasn't missing anything. The Soup tells me anything I need to know.

@NefariousNewt: You know when you see the same word over and over and it loses all meaning? That's sort of what happened to me with that picture while I was waiting for the page to load.

@k8ertot: And see, I completely understand what everyone is saying about not wanting their kids to be the subject of a reality show, and that this one is particularly patronizing, but when THIS is the level we're starting on, I can't help but think that the answer really can't be, "no thanks, we're handling it."

I'm an LA transplant, and I was talking to an LA native once and the topic of school lunches came up. She griped, "at my school we only had Taco Bell and Pizza Hut." My jaw dropped.

I finally made my mother's birthday present! (Her birthday was a week ago.) I learned to make a gemstone tree pendant, but I made one as a pin because she wears pins all the time. My poor friends and family. They always get my first attempts at things.

@Taegre: This is one of my greatest fears, being 3000 miles away. I haven't even met a guy yet, but I need my parents to walk me down the aisle one day. And there's no way I'm getting pregnant and having kids without being able to call my mom every day in a panic.