
I'm just glad to see a Republican finally admit that feminists can be pro-choice, tolerant, and respectful of freedom of religion. Can someone remind Sarah Palin?

@NellMood: It drives me crazy that my name is included on the wedding invites that get sent to my parents - 3000 miles away. Because I'm not married, so I'm still the property of my father, or something. Also, I have yet to receive a thank-you card for a wedding gift. But my parents get them (if it's a family member)!

@OnlySlightyTrampy: I've been reading Mark Reads Harry Potter, and he's made me cry more than once talking about his upbringing. In his case, it would be the "parental right" to try to beat the homosexuality out of their child (who was too young to understand sexuality at all), which was then reinforced when school

@Ding-Dang: I was very sick one morning, and after repeatedly vomiting, I was lying on the couch with a blanket and heating pad, trying not to die. My father walked into the room and put his hand to his forehead, "I think I caught what you have."

I gave up on WebMD early because I tend to have the things that are difficult even for actual doctors to diagnose. For instance: I had no insurance, but I had a fat finger. It got bigger as the years went on. It didn't hurt (well, it ached a little sometimes), but got progressively stiffer.

@Truye: To be fair, it's easier to recognize the quote in its entirety:

My only problem with this is that when you make the announcement in this big, elaborate way, it's harder to take back. And ultrasounds are not fool-proof. My cousin was having twins. They told her she was having two boys. Two weeks later, it was a boy and a girl. Two weeks after, they weren't sure about one of them

@marathonjunkie: I used to watch it years ago, when it was just a show about wedding planners, and then I caught a couple episodes again recently and it's all about brides and grooms competing for aspects of their wedding? And I keep thinking: if these people are this incapable of compromise, this does not bode well

As others have said downthread, the issue was not his choice of words.

Honestly, I don't think this is about "feminizing" men. I think this is about "kids these days." The trends she's upset about: skinny jeans, pierced ears, messenger bags? I don't tend to see these in men who do not care about looking "cool." I bet I know who heard this kind of crap all the time:

I just read another article that said they were 22 months old and "recently mastered the art of walking and soon will be talking." This seems really late to me. Does anyone know if this is normal for multiple births?

@LaFemme: Thanks, I'll try that!

@leytpr4: Yeah, but I don't wear eyeshadow very much. The reason I got the tinted stuff was I thought this could do instead of eyeshadow and maybe not fall in my eyes as much as eyeshadow does. Well, 1 out of 2.

I bought some eyeshadow primer and am trying it out. I don't like it. It feels funny. Plus it's shimmery, so I look sort of ridiculous. I should probably return it, huh?

So basically the only ones you can actually join, even if you're willing to give them money, suck real bad. Good to know! Guess it's time to adopt another cat.