
@LaMorena: I tend to have those dreams when I'm visiting my parents (because I can't masturbate) and then get really worried that I made noise in my sleep, since my bedroom is right off the kitchen. I have not yet found a way to ask, but no one's mentioned it, so hopefully not.

Women are sex objects. If women weren't sex objects, there wouldn't be another generation.

@bowleserised: That is... a little scary. Is their child socially normal? (Sorry- my mother works with preschoolers who have autism. That's where my mind goes.)

Anyone have the clip of Kathy Griffith right after this? They showed bits of it on the news but cut it off right when it looked like she was going to get good.

@WashingMyHair: I remember in my very first job, which was retail at a collectibles store (so most of our clientel were elderly), many of our customers signed their credit card slips with an X. And they all thought they were being clever and unique.

@Blodwynn: Penguins are wonderful! It took me a minute to realize they go all the way up the stairs too :)

@boxspelunker: As with everything weight-loss, YMMV:

A while ago, some Jezzies were posting David Tennant with kitten pictures and videos in groupthink. Anyone have those? I did a Google search, which just led me to one production still, but there were quite a few and the adorableness was beyond words. There are days when I need such pictures.

My cousin's daughter was two when her twins were born. It is TOUGH. Twins aren't just the work of a baby times two. They make each other cry, get each other into trouble. My aunt and uncle help out a lot, but it's still really hard for her and her husband. She was at the park with her girls when another woman said, "I

@Lorin: Mine barks when it thinks something is outside, but really there's nothing there.

I don't know who Wale is. BUT:

@WanderlustingIngenue: Oh, I have struggled with this often. And usually I end up just stringing the guy along for about three dates and then just not answering anymore.

I posted in groupthink yesterday and got a lovely response, but wanted to see what the hivemind says:

A friend recently sent me a frustrated e-mail; she finally got a job she's really been wanting for a long time, and she really liked it *except* that her bosses keep calling her "sweetie" and "hun." As it's a new job and they don't know her yet, complaining would make her seem uptight, and it's not overt enough for a

This is the sort of thing that I would have found disturbing before they started shooting the live-action Smurfs movie and my sense of right and wrong was destroyed. Now there is no movie news that can shock me. I am dead inside.

This is about two males or two females practicing sex

@ericacartman: I'm also an atheist, but I definitely am not upset because I feel like she and I agree on the important things: how to treat other people. Any other beliefs? To each her own.

@Wendyroo: Not creepy at all! I make jewelry mostly, and some gemstone trees.