
@shorty63136: There is a way to do this! Someone told me a couple weeks ago: go to Settings, Privacy Settings, Profile Information, and then there will be an option in the drop-down lists to "customize." When you choose this, you have the option to exclude certain people from seeing certain things.

@angelina jolie-laide is a gaudy tulip: That's a good idea. I really wish they were taking blood. I am all about giving blood. (Funny story: a solicitor called once for the sheriff's fund and when I said I had no money, he was all "just $10!" And I said, "you can have clothing, toys, blood, but money is one thing I

@theysaidwhat: I am currently teaching myself to knit (as in, the needles are sitting next to my computer with three very messy rows on them) via this site:

I am learning how to knit via the interwebs. It's tough!

@cantankasaurus rex: I like the Anastasia, but I'm a little more of a traditional girl. I think it depends a lot on your body type - I would not be able to pull off the Reese. They're both beautiful! And so very different!

@thecameralovesyou: This probably doesn't help, but people call me Rebecca all the time. And from other Rebeccas I've spoken to, I'm willing to bet you get called Rachel on a regular basis too. So I think of them as sister-names.

I was speaking with someone at work once and he asked me my name. (That the gentleman's native language is Spanish will be important.) Then he asked me to repeat it. Then he said, "that's my son's name! Except he spells it different." Which is how I learned that many Hispanic people hear my name as Richard, which is

@quitelikely: There was a woman who worked closely with the scout troops in my town growing up who called me Racial. But LA is the first place I've been where people look at my name spelled out and ask me how to pronounce it. When they have to guess, they usually go for Rachelle. It's odd. I don't mind Raquel, because

@Haystacks: Oh, absolutely. I think part of what I was trying to say is that some of these women are really just bitches, but because they don't have an outlet to be bitches, they become abusive assholes. But you're right, some of them would be abusive assholes anyway.

The first thing I think of is the group of women in Persepolis who went around making sure everyone was following the modesty rules. It was, of course, a real occurrance, and there's been some version of it in pretty much every religion, but what it boils down to is that these are women trying to get any amount of

@ab33: I've also seen them at Bed Bath & Beyond. They have a whole "as seen on TV" section. Bonus: 20% off coupons!

@Scout: Both have serious issues beyond me that mean they would take a defriending VERY personally, and the next thing I heard would be something along the lines of, "Dan just fired me and is talking about suicide because you unfriended him." Which is not something I want to burden my actual family members with.

@ThereIsNoFluffy: My concern right now is that a lot of what they're commenting on is family photos from Christmas, and they're both friends with other family members (which is how I got stuck with them). So I think they'd see the photos anyway because other people they're friends with are tagged, no?

@TheFormerJuneBronson: Wow, you know a lot of assholes. I'm sorry. I'm very familiar with the overwhelmed feeling. Is there one thing you can finish? Probably not the books, and don't tackle a whole list when you feel like this, but is there one project that's close enough to done to be able to finish in an hour or so?

You know those people that you're not even really friends with, but they comment on Every. Single. Damn. Thing. you post on Facebook? And you're really tempted to unfriend them, except you know that this is their only method of contact with the outside world and they don't have any real friends so you'd feel guilty? I

@Nicola-M: Grab your gun and bring the cat in.