
@CoalMineCanary: OMG- I worked for a company that contracted with Fish! I was particularly put off that they chose a symbol with religious undertones, but when my boss started quoting their platitudes at me I brought in my Demotivators and quoted right back. ("Attitudes are contagious. Mine might kill you.")

You missed the best part of the story - King's answer: "Dear Nikki Finke,

@tiredfairy: "Let me rest in peace, let me get some sleep, let me take my love and bury it in a hole 6 foot deep. I can lay my body down but I can't find my sweet release, so let me rest in peace. You know, you got a willing slave, but you just love to play the part that you might misbehave. Until you do, I'm tellin'

I think this line's mostly filler... #glee

@Laines: Oh, machine stitch. There's no way I'd get through this if I were doing it by hand.

@fembot111: It's not in squares, though. I might end up doing it that way anyway, but I don't know how it will look. This is the center part, to give you an idea. #openthread

Sewing Jezzies: I'm in way over my head. I decided to make blankets as Christmas presents for the babies in the family. Most of them I'm just going to do fleece, but for the two oldest I'm actually cutting and sewing all these beautiful silks that I had. I'm almost done with the front of the first one, but I'm not

@deeemer: Pulled out my short story book and came across this:

I was thinking about my Halloween costume, and it occurred to me that I have a greenish button-up shirt and camel colored pants and am thinking about making my hair red again anyway, so I did a Google image search for Lois Griffin. And, um, there are some sick sick fucks on the interwebs.

@LowClassInk: When you comment. at the bottom of the box there's a YouTube symbol and a little picture symbol. Click the picture symbol and copy and paste the link from the location. Try! #openthread

@ardentlilac: HGTV had a show for a while that was only reveals from all their shows for the week cut into one half-hour show. I don't know if it was canceled or if it's just between seasons, but it was fabulous. #openthread

@Sanfo: Never had a dog be upset that I was gone, only excited that I was back. The cats, on the other hand... #openthread

@Beets.Go.On is the Fat Yogini: My mother constantly assures me that pregnancy makes periods much, much better. And not just because she wants me to have kids and doesn't want me to be afraid to go off the Depo. #openthread

@RustyHeadedGirl: I'm so totally there. The only advice I can give on the being poor front is that if you like to make things, look around and see what you already have and try to be creative with it. It helps me feel less poor when I have something new even if it's something I made, whether it's a pair of earrings

@Beets.Go.On is the Fat Yogini: I actually do make most of the presents, but I have to buy the materials. This year, fabric, because all the babies in the family are getting blankets. And I think I'm going to make gemstone trees for my mother, grandmother, and all my friends. And in the past I have sat my friends

So this is the time of year, because I am very poor and almost all of my friends have their birthdays within a month of Christmas, that I start planning my holiday shopping. And between thinking about that and plane tickets and being back to unsteady temping... I'm feeling really poor. And much less prepared to handle

@deeemer: Maybe he can keep the good deeds up?

@bluebears: I had something like that, but we called it High School.