I'm not sure we can say that Rainbow Brite was still safe before this...
I'm not sure we can say that Rainbow Brite was still safe before this...
@Sputnik_Sweetheart: They didn't say she had no friends, they said she treated her friends as disposable. Considering there was/is a TV show to find her "bff," that it's a multi-season show and that it has versions filming all over the world all centered around Paris Hilton and finding her a bff, it seems accurate.
@Tippi Hedren: Is she mentally ill? 'Cause I have an uncle who would do that, but he's a paranoid schizophrenic. At least she does care?
@tashiking: I don't drink, so I know exactly what you mean except that I've only had those reactions since I've come "of age" and you've had them your whole life. But everyone always wants to know why, and you have to have an answer that'll shut them up or they'll just. Never. Stop.
Michael Lohan visited Jon Gosselin at his Pennslyvania home today and played with Jon's kids.
@Tippi Hedren: That's a good plan. And yeesh, a bible three years in a row? Sounds like it's time for a new game: "What did MIL get for Goodwill this year?"
@Tippi Hedren: Oh, EVIL! If I had money, I would offer to buy it from you just so you'd get something.
I tend to find that boyfriends' moms love me precisely because I'm not vegetarian, which means I can eat all of their family recipes.
@rodmanstreet: Have you seen Death to Smoochy? "It's a rocket ship!"
I'm switching car insurance companies, and the new company just called:
I wish I had a good camera and could travel the world looking for pictures like this, but I doubt that even with the equipment I could be this talented.
@tiredfairy: I usually wear a costume to work and pass out cookies. Which is weird, since I'm a temp and people don't know what to expect.
@sisipie: That happens periodically for me. If you switch to Expanded view, they might come back. Or Firefox might deny that there is such a thing as expanded view, in which case you have to wait it out.
@GirlFailer: Chocolate soy milk. Mmmmm....
I hate Dr. Who. In every incarnation. My father, unfortunately, loves it. It's not a scifi thing: I was raised on all things scifi and loved the rest of it. Ditto Monty Python, so it's not an old British thing. I hate the stupid villains, the bad special effects, and I ESPECIALLY hate the planet of the spiders.
@largirl: Not spam - Beautiful!
@Zombie Ms. Skittles: My first thought was that this is exactly like when I point something out to my cats and they come and sniff my hand.
Something I've been thinking about lately: as corporations get larger and larger, we, the consumers, have less and less choice. In EVERYTHING. It's harder to find wide shoes or plus-size clothes or good juice or anything. Because there are no more niche markets. If it's niche, it's not profitable enough for a…
I created a Facebook fan page for my etsy store! So far, I've decided to post little tutorials on how to make jewelry for very little money. Just about once a month, because I can't think of many ways to do that. What else should I do?
@Bonnie St. Clair (née macaronic): I don't know how helpful this will be, because it's the first thing that popped into my head, but I remember seeing something a while ago about the sex toys shop in my area holding a book reading/workshop about girl-on-girl play, and they actually went ahead and marketed it as being…