@Excusado: I already knew that :)
@Excusado: I already knew that :)
@WickedWitchoftheWest loves dough.: Although I've seen the research that the g spot is much bigger than originally thought and is actually an extension of the clitoris, I thought all that stuff was in the front of the vagina. Does it really wrap all the way around?
@billiejeanismylover: I'm throwing my hat into this ring as one who has never and does not want to try, although I don't care about other people's habits. This also applies to alcohol for me, and people will FIGHT you on that one.
@SisterSonny: My last ltr ended the day after I was diagnosed with an STD, and I haven't gotten particularly close to anyone since then. I am not still hung up on the ex, but I only tend to want sex when I'm already getting it, so the vibrator is really all I need. That being said, I do still want another…
@clevernamehere: Sounds like he wants to keep her on the shelf, "just in case" his new relationship doesn't work.
@GirlyQ is a manta ray: *HUGS*
@MizJenkins: There's a lot going on with me. There's issues with the last LTR, a naturally low libido combined with depo, I don't drink, and the fact that I'm just not attracted to many men. I'm not gay- I'm not attracted to any women, but it's rare that I find a guy I like either. Especially one who can keep up with…
@Pennyfeather: Does it count if it hasn't ended yet? It's been... 6 1/2 years. It's kind of at the point where the thought of being intimate with someone scares the bejeesus out of me.
@dripdrop: Actually, I think most of the time it's the younger crowd skewing the poll numbers (although I don't have the breakdowns in front of me right now). Usually it's because younger people can't imagine a time when abortion was illegal so they don't really understand what the fight is all about but boy, those…
But where's the bib? That cock needs a bib!!!
A family member posted the Reagan speech on Facebook, and my attitude was basically "so what?" In 1961, Reagan was an actor. Well, I don't care what an actor thinks. I don't even care what an actor today who I agree with thinks. Fortunately, Alec Baldwin has been working and I haven't heard much from him.
@sybann: It took me a second to sort out my feelings on this, because I don't believe that fish have a conscious mind and people routinely kill and eat their own fish (just not goldfish). But then I remembered that she did it for revenge, and killing in the name of revenge, no matter what, is just so inherently…
@cocobanal: Mine would do this too! I tried to tell him that "you never know who has a gun" but he never really listened.
@Dauphine: Ahh! The law is Kuato! Getitout getitout getitout!!!
Given the context, I'd actually think more of the Eddie Murphy thing. I mean yeah, that was a while ago but if I were a man I would think that would be a much greater concern than watching a runner.
@BabyJane: I walked on the beach with the law, but when I turned around there was only one set of footprints. What does it mean?
My ex never yelled at me, but he would SCREAM at inanimate objects. It sounds funny, but being in the same room while someone is yelling "You asshole, why won't you stop being so fucking stupid and just do what I'm telling you to do" at a computer is actually very uncomfortable, and he would never acknowledge it when…
I was very proud of the morning news people (KTLA) when they discussed this in their "morning buzz" segment and pointed out that there are two separate crimes they are discussing.
@CoalMineCanary: One of my cousins sent out an e-mail once about how he knows 24 speaks truth and torture works. Once I got done screaming about the stupidity, I asked what someone could do to him that would make him say that there is no God and mean it (he's particularly religious). He said "nothing," but I'm not…