
Given the context, I'd actually think more of the Eddie Murphy thing. I mean yeah, that was a while ago but if I were a man I would think that would be a much greater concern than watching a runner.

@BabyJane: I walked on the beach with the law, but when I turned around there was only one set of footprints. What does it mean?

My ex never yelled at me, but he would SCREAM at inanimate objects. It sounds funny, but being in the same room while someone is yelling "You asshole, why won't you stop being so fucking stupid and just do what I'm telling you to do" at a computer is actually very uncomfortable, and he would never acknowledge it when

I was very proud of the morning news people (KTLA) when they discussed this in their "morning buzz" segment and pointed out that there are two separate crimes they are discussing.

@CoalMineCanary: One of my cousins sent out an e-mail once about how he knows 24 speaks truth and torture works. Once I got done screaming about the stupidity, I asked what someone could do to him that would make him say that there is no God and mean it (he's particularly religious). He said "nothing," but I'm not

@MrsConclusion: I pulled out the Tivo and checked this morning after I saw all this, and they definitely made it go away in California.

@dj_chick: We get it on a delay, so it doesn't air until 11:30 here either (there's tiny print during the credits that says "recorded from an earlier live broadcast"). Also, they dubbed it for us.

@Skargus: You need to be an approved commenter or for your comments to be promoted so everyone can see them. I believe that only comment moderators can approve you as a commenter. In the meantime, your comments show up highlighted pink and only people with stars can see/promote them.

I just pulled it up on my Tivo, and they edited it out of the west coast feed. Looks like they probably just clipped in another take of that line, though, because she still makes the face.

@frugal: Yeah, there was nothing wrong with her face before, but there sure is now. I was just thinking of creating a plea to showrunners along the lines of "I know these actresses are your friends and they are very talented, but when they do this to themselves you can't keep hiring them." But I feel weird about that

@poppy.claire: Eh, it was about what I've come to expect from SVU. I never really watched Prison Break, so I don't know how he was on that, but his character on SVU was extremely one-dimensional. Which isn't his fault (it's the writers') but it does make it difficult to judge acting.

Just finished watching L&O: SVU. What the hell did Christine Lahti do to her face?

@BettyCrockerPunkRocker: I dunno: On the one hand, you have the real thing, on the other, you have packs of fake ones. Best to avoid all, I think.

At first, I didn't realize "IMarriage" was a typo and I thought the rest of the sentence was going to be "is an app for that."

@Pearls: Have you been to the doctor? Cold sores are caused by the herpes virus, so Valtrex should help. They may prescribe it for just when you can feel one coming on, or they may prescribe it for everyday as a preventative.

@Blodwynn: Unfortunately, a trip to VS always ends in tears. Except the one time I bought a waterbra. But for the most part, they simply don't have everyday bras for smaller-chested women, especially not ones with wider rib cages. Like vulcanized, I have been told that they didn't have anything for me (but they put

I know this is a recurring theme, so I'm sorry to be retreading, but...

@curiousgeorgiana: Rice cakes with nutella and whipped cream. Just like chocolate pudding pie!

@Lizard in the Wires is on Rails: You know, I just finished watching People's Court. Seriously, small claims court. At the very least, it might scare him into cooperating and you won't even need to go to court. Good luck!

@Pennyfeather: I am not a cook, so I recommend angel food cake. The box of mix is $1 and the instructions are, and I'm not exagerating: "add water." Then you stick it in the oven for a while and it's done.