
@WitteeFool: Wait- he was in Angel? Holy crap, was he Conner? My mind just blew.

Oh George, do you consider parking tickets "taxes?" 'Cause if so, I think you might be getting WAY too many parking tickets.

@Wonder4A: Yes, that was one of the things he was good at; the "us vs. them" didn't necessarily mean "The US vs. the rest of the world," but also "Republicans vs. The Enemy." I hope that is starting to go away as more and more conservative people are realizing that they can't agree with all the bullshit the GOP is

I'm watching these videos, and I'm heartened so much by how smart he is and how he calls out, for instance, George Stephanopoulous, on making stuff up and how he's constantly reaffirming that all he really wants is to make this a better country. And a thought occurred to me: when die-hard conservatives heard Bush

@Jeenzy: But for the Facebook group you need an invite to join, or something? And I requested an invite but nothing's happened.

@CubeRootOfPi: In the morning I mostly listen to the radio and switch stations when commercials come on. In the afternoon, I put on a CD and sing as loud as I can. It turns out I'm not that bad, but mostly it's stress relief.

@Jeenzy: No, but for exactly the reasons you say. I want to! I just need to... go.

@vulcanized: Yeah, I'm thinking in the beginning they asked us to approve all the grey comments for the benefit of people who had "only show featured comments" turned on, but I don't think that's the default anymore. And they've made it so we can approve pink comments in the OTs without approving the commenter (I

@all: Thanks for your help! I'm arguing with my cousin, who thinks we should reform our immigration laws so they just say "keep out all those lazy, stupid brown people!" because he is an ass. I'm going to go ahead and call myself the winner on this one, no matter what he says.

You know how we're supposed to be promoting comments on OT's? What do we do when we see a pink one that clearly, CLEARLY should not be promoted?

Jezzies, I need help! Someone, I think it might have been Krushchev, had a simple test for helping to identify privilege. Does anyone have it or something similar? I remember one of the questions was "if you get pulled over, can you be recently certain the authority figure you'll be dealing with is the same ethnicity

I have a recurring (noncancerous) tumor in my left hand. At the moment, it is growing. I've had it removed twice before, so this will be surgery number three. I need an initial appointment with the hand surgeon ($150), an MRI ($1,000), another with the surgeon ($150), a surgery ($5-10,000), visit with the surgeon to

@Dodgergirl: I have long believed that printers and faxes should come with necks so we can strangle them.

@swashbuckling: Yes! I even tried to stop by with cookies. Cookies!

@fakezen: I'm mostly concerned because his mother can be a raving bitch when she wants to. But I don't think this will bite me in the ass. I kind of hopes he unfriends me but in actuality I think he has more stamina for these arguments than I do. He's been practicing stupid his whole life.

@RisaPlata: He responded: it's the church's job to be compassionate, not the government's. I said it's the government's responsibility to not assume everyone belongs to a church and that it also has to protect our right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness which includes not letting people die in emergency

@KiddyKat: Yeah, it was the kind of article that makes me swell with Patriotic Pride and other shake and wail. It's based in racism.

@envirodesigner: He won't, though. He posts this crap all the time. He's not a kid anymore.