
My cousin today was trying to tell me that public-option healthcare means that the government can tell him what medical procedures he can have. I told him Roe v Wade means it can't. I'm thinking perhaps I had my specifics wrong, although I still think I'm right in principle.

A summary, for anyone who doesn't want to read the whole thing: I'm having feelings. This is entirely your problem, because I do not have control over myself or my reactions. For instance, I can only sit through movies with the help of opiates, and that makes me sad. Maybe you're horny. I know I can't possibly be

And Dr. Horrible is nominated! Outstanding Special Class - Short-format Live-Action Entertainment Programs. It's up against the Bruce Springsteen Superbowl halftime show.

@dj_chick: Don't forget that British pounds are different! Plus, are these pounds off-the-rack, or did she make her own gravity? IMPORTANT QUESTIONS!


When I'm alone, I flap my hands or sign to myself. Not talk to myself. Sign. But I don't do it when other people can see me because I'm pretty sure they would, at the very least, suggest medication.

@kellieherson: I don't have to, but I cross my toes, including the little ones, all the time when my shoes are off.

At first I thought the "interpretive dance" was sign language. I caught "follow" and a whole lot of "strong"s, but then I turned the volume up and realized nope, not sign language. Or if it is, it's coincidental. And then they did their little circle dance which is definitely not a normal part of interpreting. So I

They also seem to believe that adoption is just so easy. Reminds me of the episode of 30 Days when they sent a pro-choice activist to live in one of those pregnancy-crisis-centers (this was one where pregnant women could live and were shown anti-abortion videos and had to go protest clinics that provided abortion in

This isn't exactly new. When I was a kid, my parents would take us to Cape Cod for a week every summer and we always played with the little plastic tubes on the beach. I was much much older before my parents told me what those were and I was like, "why did you let us play with them?" And they figured at that point the

@bluebears: As I understand it, disenvoweling is a way of saying "don't go there." So when you respond in any way, you're "going there," which they just (indirectly) asked you not to do. Does that make sense? Or are you talking about times you think someone might have been unjustly disemvoweled, and if they explained

@leftyleftylou: I did not know this. I'm fascinated, both by its existence and that it's not common knowledge.

@elephantshoes: You may have heard of Prop 13. The voters passed it... I dunno when. Before I got here. But it freezes property taxes at the value of the property when you bought it. So people who bought houses in 1978 for $30,000 are paying taxes as if their houses were still worth $30,000 and not $1.3 million, which

@BeckySharper: They estimate they could get $1 billion taxing pot. Our estimated shortfall for next year is at least $20 billion (I stopped keeping track). Not to say that we shouldn't do it, because we totally should, but it's not the only answer.

I wonder if we can get them to announce that they're not investigating murders either? Maybe THEN they'd find some good justice money.

@BrutallyHonestBabes (aka Mrs. Sarah.of.a.Lesser.Hobbit): He's got a bug up his ass about taxing. I think he thinks he's a real Republican or something. Maybe we can send a real Republican to set him straight. Anyway, he's also trying to close 80% of state parks, even though adding a little bit to the car registration

@linnyt is a walking cliché: It is actually ASTOUNDING how much wheat is in what we eat and you don't even realize. A good friend of mine developed a wheat allergy a few years ago, and a gluten-free cookbook was the only place she learned, for instance, why she kept breaking out in hives when she ate pudding. And soy

@bebedamour: I don't understand what I'm supposed to be understanding about what he is saying. In other words, I don't understand what he leaves open for discussion. He comes at this with such a tone of "I know better than everyone" (he says this, in so many words) and proceeds to make a bunch of statements that are