@electrogeek77: I posted this in response to another comment, but in case you missed it:
@electrogeek77: I posted this in response to another comment, but in case you missed it:
@olivia2.0: I did read this, and I firmly agree with you.
@LawFairy: I was very confused by his thinking that "equality" means "exactly the same." Did no one ever teach him equal?
@bebedamour: He isn't, though. The points he is trying to make are:
@LaComtesse: Pope Snowball from South Park!
Something I read just about forever ago was that in the Middle Ages, gay marriages, being about love, took place in the church, but heterosexual marriages, being about property, took place outside.
@cassis is a cereal girl: My response is going to cause this comment to expand, which is ironic because my comment is that when this is contracted, it reads "People are fucking evil. Now, I have a cat to smother..." which is HYSTERICAL. You get hearted for making me laugh, even though you didn't mean it.
I never understand when someone says they want to burn a book, because the concept of "book-burning" creates such a visceral reaction in me, and probably in most everyone here. The quick response is, of course, the Nazis did that but it's more than that. Books = intellectual wealth, and I don't understand a side that…
@snug*bug: My favorite immediately follows that: "The meaning is hard to distil down, but it is essence can be explained..."
@bluebears: I fail to see how a lack of response within six minutes (or even an hour) of the original comment should be taken as an open door to attack.
@thePrototype: I've seen some complaining in these parts from people who feel unwelcome when they have an unpopular opinion and feel ganged-up on. This is why. thebigm42 expressed an unpopular opinion in a perfectly respectful way, and we should be taking this opportunity to ask questions and try to understand another…
@Whitney's Black Best Friend: There was a news report a few years ago that sent a body builder with 0% body fat to one of those places and they told her she could stand to drop a few pounds. The reporter pounced immediately and asked what the hell they were talking about, and the counselor or whatever they're called…
@SundaysAndCybele: Although everyone else is right and every body is different, that is insanely low. I'm 5'8", and without discussing my current weight, there was a time when I was 120 and I got concerned comments and stares from strangers on the street.
@pizzaisafoodgroup: My parents were on a beach! My father wore a shirt my mother embroidered for him. The hippie runs strong in me :)
@leslieannelevine: I feel that way about Sting's "When We Dance." It's such a beautiful song... about a woman marrying the wrong man.
@badmutha: Gazing at people
@argle-bargle? or fou-ferraw?: That sounds like the right one. And I don't just mean that they played it - they arranged road trips in advance so they could play it over and over in the car and we would all learn the lyrics because they wanted everyone to sing it at the wedding.
One day I was listening to "Nights in White Satin," and asked my mother, "Is this a funeral song?" And she said, "I hope not! It's your father and I's wedding song."
I have two sets of married friends. One had their first dance to "S-E-X-X-Y" and the other had everyone sing along to "No Children." They were both awesome.
@CoalMineCanary: Holy crap! That sounds worse than mine- two different ER visits diagnosed me with an ulcer, despite NONE of the symptoms fitting. I sent my test results to an aunt who's a nurse and she came back with pericarditis - an infection of the lining of the heart. My doctor had said he tested for it, but not…