
@argle-bargle? or fou-ferraw?: That sounds like the right one. And I don't just mean that they played it - they arranged road trips in advance so they could play it over and over in the car and we would all learn the lyrics because they wanted everyone to sing it at the wedding.

One day I was listening to "Nights in White Satin," and asked my mother, "Is this a funeral song?" And she said, "I hope not! It's your father and I's wedding song."

I have two sets of married friends. One had their first dance to "S-E-X-X-Y" and the other had everyone sing along to "No Children." They were both awesome.

@CoalMineCanary: Holy crap! That sounds worse than mine- two different ER visits diagnosed me with an ulcer, despite NONE of the symptoms fitting. I sent my test results to an aunt who's a nurse and she came back with pericarditis - an infection of the lining of the heart. My doctor had said he tested for it, but not

@scribbles: It's possible, but not how I read it. And honestly, she's given us so much to work with there that I think we can ignore the things we would need to stretch for, you know?

@Lucille van Pelt: My favorite is when they run into my office in a huff because they didn't read the e-mail. I had one a while ago who said it was a chain of "like ten e-mails!" and he didn't have time to read them. Which, it was probably closer to 4 and none of them were more than three sentences. Has he never read

@RisaPlata: by which I mean flaw in the system, not flaw in the movie. I liked the movie.

@andBegorrah: I have it at home right now (Netflix). The biggest flaw (I think) is that the corporation is legally bound to do whatever it can to make money for the shareholders, morals or common decency be damned.

@schweppes: The problem isn't arbitration itself, it's MANDATORY BINDING arbitration. Normal arbitration is useful and often fair, but when it completely pre-empts the right of the individual (often, consumer) to get a trial is where the corruption comes in. And that *should* be a fairly easy thing to fix. I think

@lalaland13: I know when I'm in a relationship I sleep better, but that's because I've had someone to talk about my day with, and talking about it sort of puts it to rest. Without the chance to do that, I lay awake in bed thinking about everything that happened.

@Kateness has the skin of a KILLER: My kitty gets big eyes like that when she wants to pounce something, and gets very upset when I sneak up and snorgle her instead. She's like a little kid yelling, "Ma! Quit it!"

@BytheSea: I think it's one of those ones that goes away on its own after a while. But it's why pregnant women aren't supposed to clean the litter box (reason #482 why I need a man before making a baby).

Quick- what's Toonces' blood type?

I think part of the problem we're having is that the article defines these men strictly in the negative. They don't care about sex or money or being manly, but there is no indication of what they do care about. So we're filling in the gap with "slacker," which may or may not be accurate.

@lalaland13: He frequently pronounces the T when he's talking to himself on the show. Like, "Dammit, ColberT, keep it together!"

@Lymed: See, if you had waited for a prince to bring you the milk, he would have known this and also brought the magnesium. So really, total dependency fail.@Old Jean Gallagher: