
@token_y_chromosome: I was about to say this. But it is correct that CBS picked up Medium after NBC canceled it. They're going to air it on Friday nights between Ghost Whisperer and Numb3rs.

@Kivrin: I remember that! Not much more than how you've described it, but I remember!

@RisaPlata: It gives me goosebumps because I remember reading it and what's really happening in those scenes...

SPOILER DISCUSSION for those who have read the book

Remember how when "Dick in a Box" first aired, they bleeped out the "dick"? So I thought the song was "Cock in a Box." I still think that sounds better.

I went to an Arbus exhibit a few years ago at the Huntington, and I thought that it was funny that I read the sort of "summary" plaque at the beginning that talked about her life and my friends didn't. So they were shocked when they reached the end of the exhibit and found out she had committed suicide, while I was

@Hamsterpants: I made a comment like this to my father once (recently) and he told me a long sad story about his father promising him a pony when he was a kid and never getting it.

@Tangy.Nihilist: It's a little more complicated. California is facing a budget shortage of BILLIONS of dollars, and this is after raising taxes (including the sales tax) and cutting school spending (which was already very low). At this point, all we are hearing about, all the time, is how no one has any money for

@syneblue: That's pretty much my question. I'm not even feeling particularly angry because it just seems so... arbitrary. Like, in the pantheon of literature, he might as well have said "no books with blue covers!" He clearly must have been very ill, and I don't get angry at the ranting guy on the corner for telling

@NefariousNewt: Ah, and after such an interesting cross-site Social weekend last week. I had such hopes of coming together, of me learning why sports should be a priority, someone there learning how damn competent women can be... I'm disappointed. (Not in you, NN. In Deadspinners.)

I saw this this morning and thought of all of you:

And just when we were telling Samethingwedoeverynightpinky that it was safe to use Craigslist...

@beatrixcomet: No worries. Dodai was, in fact, being funny. Those commercials are not. But I hate them with a fiery, all-consuming passion, so I may be a bit biased.

For some of us, "shoe shopping" is not good. You might as well call it "bra shopping good" or "car's at the mechanic good." And the women in that commercial need to lose their powers of speech. I can hear their smugness even when I use the mute button.

@BabyJane: This reminds me of one of my family's favorite stories: when my brother was in first grade, he was given an assignment to write a recipe. He wrote, "put the hotdog on the stove until the thing dings."

"Maybe it's the beer talking Marge, but you've got a butt that won't quit. They've got these big chewy pretzels here that bhsdpjrenbeerjgdspj five dollars? Get outta here."