Very good. You can copy and paste. Your point is? Or do you not understand what Trump is doing in Portland; and threatening to do in other cities and states controlled by Democrats?
Very good. You can copy and paste. Your point is? Or do you not understand what Trump is doing in Portland; and threatening to do in other cities and states controlled by Democrats?
So, I hear/see this performance art pièce de résistance being framed like this: She’s a white woman, arguably the most privileged of us all, using her privilege to stand up to the authoritarian regime by protecting peaceful protesters.
The point of this was it’s no longer about BLM. It’s about Trump’s Secret Police. They are grabbing whoever they find, not just PoC.
I’m terribly sorry to all those I’ve offended with this simple and seemingly innocuous inquiry. I’ll keep you all in mind the next time I even think about posting something the hive mind of the internet doesn’t approve of in advance. Perhaps a ‘Man, that sucks’ or yet another tired reference to Marc and HIS GUYS…
I don’t have a funny or snarky enough way to say this but de-platforming people doesn’t really work if you’re going to re-platform them when they release new material. That’s just called “giving them publicity.”
Is the man who decided to jack off all over himself in a room with people who chose to stay there with him still cancelled? Sorry, I wasn’t sure on the appropriate amount of “cancel time” we were doing here; I must get my virtue signaling right.
Come the fuck on. There was no barging. He issued a press release, and sent an email. You are the one “reporting” on it to readers who may not have necessarily cared. That was your call not his. His subscribers got the email, of their own volition. And anybody that wants to avoid him is ether not subscribed, or they…
Yeah this infinite internet social justice is bullshit. Criminals actually get caught, prosecuted, convicted and sentenced. Then they serve their sentence and go on with their lives. And sometimes they don’t get caught, or convicted, or their innocent, or whatever. But our justice system limits lifetime punishment to…
If you were really taking the high road, William, you would not have covered the release at all. If you’re familiar at all with Louis CK “barging back into our lives”, the “our” are those of us who have “opted-in” to receiving Louis’ email updates and were already provided the link. Thanks for your lesson in morality,…
Saw him in D.C. the week before everything shut down. Shocking 3rd-act twist: One of the funniest comics ever is still hilarious. A great way to spend 80 minutes (also known as “the amount of time some AV Club intern spent looking for the most obnoxious photo of Louis CK possible, since he’s the enemy now, but let’s…
...Really? I’m gonna have to Google the thing myself? Maaaan...
Awesome news. Thanks for heads-up!
Yeah, this is the key point to me. It’s weird that there is this idea that Bernie needs to answer for crazy people online, as if every popular thing that people are passionate about doesn’t have the same problem. Criticize Ariana Grande online, some weirdo will probably threaten to kill you. Criticize a TV show people…
Here’s the webarchive cached version of the post.
Running them into the ground is now precisely the point. No rational owner attempting to actually run these sites in a way reasonably anticipated to result in medium- or long-term profitability would behave this way. The auto play ads are sapping goodwill and certainly driving readers away, or will soon. One of the…
i contacted kinja weeks ago asking about this - someone emailed me back & asked for details, so i explained about the autoplaying vids. never heard back.
I sent an email, which I’m sure will either never be read or will be straight ignored.
Hey everyone, relevant to your interests:
I appreciate the commentariat keeping the email address alive. Despite the original post requesting respectful feedback, I fear I may have strayed from that directive. The terms “sackless cowards” and “kindly fuck off” may have been used.
I have no regrets.
Hey, let’s talk about how G/O media are such gutless scum that they took down all of the posts across the kinjaverse about how awful the autoplaying videos are and how to contact the ownership about it.