
"When he cut off contact" should have been much earlier than "after he got his rocks off" or it's pretty much meaningless. And you say "accusers" but cite one. I'm almost certain that a guy who gets a reputation for being willing to fuck on the job and give out favors based on his fucking around on the job would

You feel bad for a guy who once jerked off in front of a reporter? Please explain how his accusers are full of shit.

How do you know? I'm genuinely curious, I don't typically follow fashion industry sex abuse/harassment scandals, so any more information on the validity of the claims would be good to know.

I feel like more of us need to realize that we ABSOLUTELY can get outraged at men (or women) who think it's okay to violate your body in any way. This is why we need to stop telling women/men to "smile" on command. This is why we need to stop telling little girls and boys that they MUST hug an adult stranger, family

My god. Thank you for sharing your story. And thank you for being honest about the pressure to have a so-called thick skin when it comes to degrading, sexist, and sometimes violent behavior. We've been taught for so long to just take it. All of it.

Artist or predator?

I definitely do. That is a selling point.

"Adds inventor Dr. X Treme"

"These scenes are disturbingly pretty, and we all fucked up when we skipped the 3D version in the theater."

Yes yes yes. I watched Dredd out of curiosity one night and was pleasantly surprised. The high-speed camera work was marvelous. Also, Lena Headey's schedule is probably full right now, but she needs to be cast in more antagonistic roles to show off her bitchface. She has a Hall Of Fame bitchface.

Dredd is superior to The Raid in almost every conceivable category.

I'm going dress real sluty if I ever go to Utah.

I'm not Mormon but I live in SLC. I am absolutely sure this has to do with the LDS "teaching" that girls and women should NEVER expose their shoulders. Just add another mark for theocracy in Utah where one religion thinks it can trample the rights of all.

I'm one half jealous and one half weirded out. My school we all had to wear the black wrap. So, all the girls are wearing the same exact thing and there was no choice in the matter. On the other hand everyone's shoulders and chest were exposed.

Holla' to Drew Barrymore's ancestry.

When I was growing up, I got very interested in the history of WWII. And the vast majority of the photographs from that era are of course in B&W. It was difficult for my young mind to process the fact that those events happened in color for the participants, that they didn't happen in B&W.

one thing I've always lived about anime is that they always convey a sense on meaningful progression. American cartoons make you feel like a mouse in a wheel. The characters never change over time and you feel trapped in a vortex. Anime makes you feel like your going on a journey with the characters and creates a


2000AD is the best value in comics bar none. 30-36 pages of strip with barely any ads is just ridiculous.

I raise you an Isopod-chan!