
Hit "publish" in haste; repent at leisure.

haha that's adorable. Us "geeks" are bombarded with Apple rumors day in and day out and can spot a noticeably fake one like that.

He dishonoured his family, so now he must commit sonic06uku (play sonic o6)

I'm pretty sure these guys won. At everything. Forever.

Draw me like your French cannibal titan girl.

Japanese people are pretty chill about being naked. When you got to hot springs or public baths, you bathe with strangers. No biggie.

Yippee. Another fucking movie with Scarlett Johansson walking down a hallway looking determined.

Yeah, I'm only using 20% of my fingers to type this. Imagine what I could doing I used them all.

Greatest superhero origin story ever? The Doctor disagrees.

So this movies only uses 10% of it's potential?

So this is a prequel to Her?

You have to admire the Gnostics. It takes balls to believe that God exists, but he hates you.

Do not forge a chocolate sword. It will fail you in the heat of battle.

Its one of the earliest and first animated shows that features well rounded lady super heroes kicking ass. There is a massive swath of reasons why its so popular, namely because it is a) Made for girls b) Written and designed by a woman for girls and d) Well animated / written despite being a show made for girls.

There's definitely some comedy gold in it

Bob's Burgers for the win!

My sides have been defeated.

We mustn't forget the mighty Tartars, and their delicious sauce!

I'd be more interested in what the captain looks like now.

Exactly. Thank you.