
Your username is somewhat appropriate for this article.

I applaud your trolling capabilities.

Beware of bullied girls bearing gifts.

The funniest (weirdest?) thing is that I bought all my Ritter bars at a Korean supermarket. It was the only place I could find that sold them, oddly enough.

What did Grendel have for breakfast?

It's cute in a morbid way.

Is that... a uterus?

Clove oil? Is it safe?

Now playing

In Dredd (2012), after he gets shot in the abdomen, Dredd squirts a clear foam into his wound that plugs it up and then puts in self-closing staples (starts at 5:38 mark):

Haha, no problem.

She also regularly posts film gifs to her main blog: http://maudit.tumblr.com/ Some really obscure titles, but the quality is superb!