
That's about the sort of attitude I would expect someone who willingly bought a Tahoe at 17 to have.

Just because you know what care you want doesn't mean there are not people out there who want to... I don't know.. actually experience the car's driving characteristics before dropping a large sum of money on it.

Good point, but I don't think In the case of Subaru that they were gaming the system. They have nothing to gain from making the WRX seem faster than the Sti.

Pretty much every car is slower doing 5-60 than it is from 0-60. This is because when accelerating from a stop, you can dump the clutch at high RPMs (or brake torque the car to high RPMs if it is an automatic). When you accelerate from 5-60, you have no choice but to accelerate from low RPMs because the car is already

Yes, let's be concerned for losing 'control of the narrative'... translation, losing control of how you want people to interpret your story. Are you actually griping that Stewart is blasting GM for handling people's safety as not worth 57cents per car? That he's stepping on the toes of new GM by bringing up their past

I learned to love lane-splitting when I lived in the East Bay. Made commuting nearly painless, and I never caught any flak from drivers for it (20 years ago).

You mean the motorcyclist? In CA motorcyclists can use the carpool lane at any time. She's a pretty shining example of how to ride properly in CA.

I have 100,000 miles of Motorcycle riding. Lane splitting is far safer than being a sandwich between distracted or aggressive drivers. Before you do take the MSF course. Use common sense. Wear a helmet and protective gear. Practice situation awareness.

Lane splitting is the safest way to ride in multi-lane stop-go traffic, when done correctly (i.e., no more than 10mph faster than traffic, with a modern motorcycle of normal width - not a giant cruiser). It allows you to see further down the road and avoid the risk of being rear-ended by inattentive drivers when

Well I've been running down the road, trying to loosen my load, I've got seven keys upon my chain; two go to my Saturn, four have the same pattern, one is worn down to the grain. Now I'm standing on the corner in Tempe, Arizona, such a fine sight to see. It's a line, my Lord, out the door at Ford, buying Fusions with

So the working title "Transformers: Raging Semi" didn't get greenlit?

Yeah! We have unicorns, and affordable RWD hatchbacks!

But what am I going to do with a trunk full of cock-rings?

I am with you 100%. I am glad to hear in the Bay area they attempt to make people more motorcycle aware. That is unheard of in where I lived. Now that I live where it snows too much even for my car, well a bike is unfortunately out of the question.

Everything you've mentioned is very true and accurate. However do note that in order for all of those things to be relevant we have to consider the fact that while there may be rules that say you must only open a door when it is safe, how many people often think while they're stopped "Oh, I shouldn't switch lanes last

Yup. Lane splitting is safer for the motorcyclist and reduces traffic congestion. It's crazy to outlaw it, which is why it's legal - and ENCOURAGED - pretty much everywhere in the world.

It is crazy because lane splitting reduces congestion and keeps riders safer. Apparently you can't get past your line mentality to see that motorcyclists splitting will also get you to your destination sooner.

If only those greedy bastards at UHaul would provide some instructions, where they could be clearly seen by any sentient being whose butt is in the driver's seat of the vehicle towing that trailer. Maybe a warning of some type or a speed limit; instead they only post this hieroglyphic which no living human could ever

As soon as I find that spare $100,000 I left laying around I'll be sure to head to the dealer to get a new GT-R. Maybe it was in my briefcase with my business papers and my Credence tapes...

Those aren't studded tires, they're bracelets for a goth elephant.