
Tis the only explanation that makes sense.

I'm pretty sure that movie was about selling a Jeep.

Pretty sure you forgot THE MOST anticipated car of 2014.

"A little thing that can turn into anything at anytime."

Not sure if I hate the smug electric car driver who thinks he can plug his smugmobile in anywhere or the government that wastes time and money over a few cents

Except that some of "New Year's Day" is night.

You are aware that the car will have an independent rear suspension, right?

Footrace Between Drunk Bears, Fans Ends Exactly As It Should

man I hate the sound of BOVs... quite possibly the most most annoying thing someone can bolt to their car. I drive a speed3 all the fun, no flash

It is a fire suppression system. The switch is the large red 'key' to the right of the steering wheel

I've fallen into that trap before. But sometimes that downfall winds up helping you out...

I'm going CP on this one, but it's not going to be a "blasphemy-sacrilege-heresy" rant that would be expected for this car.

I have them on my 2005 Mazda3. They are the best thing I've ever seen. Sometimes I forget that they're on after the rain stops, and when a tractor-trailer drives by leaving a cloud of mist from the still-wet road, the wipers spring into action and wipe the window only once to clear the water. I've never seen anything

Worst misconception?

(Country name here) always makes cars and trucks that are (generalization here)

At this point, all countries and all brands have good and bad product covering all the bases. Some american cars have excellent fit and finish and can handle quite well. Some are still relics of the past with bad panel

"Car thieves lately sure seem to have tiny erections for rear-engined cars lately. "

M3 or M5?

How do your parents feel about your plan to buy a new sports car while living at home with them in your 20's (I'm assuming while paying no rent)? Serious question.

The presence of cassette players in modern cars is a mystery to me. No one uses cassettes anymore; you can’t even buy them. They never sounded that good to start with, but the real problem was that when the song was over you had to rewind it. I mean, there you are in your Mustang with that pretty girl you met at the

Don't skimp on the cables. Buy heavy duty extra long ones.. I spent $12 on a good pair in 1974 and they lasted me for more than 30 years. I cannot begin to count the number of times they came in handy. Also, consider putting your flashlight in a gallon zip loc bag with the batteries next to it. That way they're less

Most fun I have EVER had a manufacturer test drive event. The Corvettes were sharing their little autocross-style track with the worthless Chevy SSR trucks. I'm sure it was done on purpose to reign in the overeager drivers, but still... UGH! There was a ride-along-only course where, with a hotshoe driver you could