Ah, I'm so sorry that happened. That is no fun. I would have chased him for you!
Ah, I'm so sorry that happened. That is no fun. I would have chased him for you!
Cool, reply and tell him to hurry up with the next Supra!
He thinks you are more then cool
Kudos to this guy. I once witnessed a hit and run. Nothing as serious as this, and I chased the guy down as well. I was in my 89 Supra Turbo and he was in a 96 accord. Luckily I used to have a 95 accord and knew that this would be easy. I was with my brother and he called 911 while I chased him. They told us also not…
Sad days ahead
Cant wait for the stupid hybrids to go away!
Gotcha. I guess that makes sense. Kinda like my 7MGTE. Later years included oil squirters and changed minor things.
Ah, ok. Why is it only "Some versions" and not all?
Aww man. I cringe every time a car jumps over
I have noticed that it is always a Ford GT that gets the highlights. Is it that the GT is just amazing or that I only check the record when it is beaten by a GT?
The real answer to the question is a Honda Odyssey. The expected answer is anything but a minivan.
I want my son to do this for me
Spookiness score: Two Robert Stacks. Robert Stack was goddamn terrifying and no one can dispute that. Only two, though, because c'mon, 12th graders.
White: 21 percent Black: 19 percent Gray: 17 percent Silver: 15 percent Red: 11 percent Blue: 9 percent Natural: 6 percent Green: 2 percent
I have encountered similar cases. I had an 89 Supra. Engine was just put in. Powers steering was not hooked up yet. Went through the starbucks drive through. No cup holders+no powersteering+5 speed+3700 LB car = idk
Its on HULU!! I was just watching it. sooo funny
Very simple. Once he feels he is in danger, he can plow right through them. But you must tread lightly. If it was me, they would have needed to try and open the door for me to just go straight through.
I have to disagree. I like this commercial. It makes me laugh because it is completely ridiculous.
That one with the leaf and daftpunk. That song is good, but it was ruined with that rendition. I can't seem to find it anywhere.