Many living paycheck to paycheck because of a huge car payment. having a car payment over $400 or $500 is completely insane to me.
Many living paycheck to paycheck because of a huge car payment. having a car payment over $400 or $500 is completely insane to me.
On the flip, I have seen many people constantly in a payment. Ramsey’s content is geared towards people who have no financial sense at all, usually because they have had very poor examples growing up. His strategies work when you are starting from absolute 0. For that, I’m appreciative of his content. He’s also a huge…
I pulled it from ebay. mine only has 125K on the clock.
I worded that wrong. For my Maxima suggestion, I meant the needle, not the dial should be white. Black on black. Only one red accent which is redline.
California will let him go. like they do with everyone
We no longer have a place for the mentally ill. Those wards were closed some time ago. Until those come back, they will remain homeless in and public. It is also very clear that no amount of money thrown at the issue will resolve this given we have already spent an astronomical number of dollars on it.
As a first generation born Latino born in the US, I still had the common sense to not crawl under a train to get to school. I was smart enough to know that missing a day of school won’t be the end of my future endeavors. The idea that kids need every minute in school is a farce. I also know plenty of people who, even…
Imagine thinking school is that important.
You misspelled Project Gotham Racing 2
What you said was “redesign.” What you meant was “ruined.”
Actually, I just crunched the numbers again. I used wrong number before. my bad. It’s a 3% chance of death. sooooo, i have a 97% chance of survival. And even then, it’s mostly killing old people. So I actually have >97% chance of survival. Just keep the elderly off the cruise. Millions of people losing their job over…
Graves in new york were for people who had noone to “claim them”. As in, noone to put them in a normal grave. And that grave was not filled. They overbuilt it.
because its not as bad as the media is making it out to be. 99.98% survival rate. Oh man, im so scared...
Just got back from Idaho. Noone wearing mask, noone freaking out. everything completely fine. No mass graves.
Gamepass PC and Xbox have different titles available to play.
This is a good way to waste everyone’s time. This is just showing that everyone wants to look like they are doing good but don’t have any real way to contribute to the problem.
Ultimately, these discussions don’t really go anywhere. If anything, we need to agree to disagree. But free thought is still important. Regardless of what I believe, I will not treat anyone with any less dignity even if they believe something different than I do.
Please provide the educational publications you are referring to.
This is a response for someone who doesn’t get things their way and want to have a tantrum but can’t express why.
Biological sex is not murky. It’s been the same for thousands of years. Science has proven that. But this new philosophy of subjective truth tries to undo that. Down to the cellular level, it’s either XX or XY. There is no changing that. It’s not bigotry to believe in science.